In one year, 12 ministries of the Government of Montenegro spent 58.769,85 euros. From the budget, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (12.513,89 euros), the Ministry of Culture and Media (8.968,16), the Ministry of Internal Affairs (8.922,03) and the Ministry of Finance (8.282,42) collected the most from the budget, on pub bills and office supplies.
From November 1, 2023 to November 1 last year, the largest bar bill was 1.879 euros and was paid by the Ministry of Finance.
The Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Northern Development submitted fiscal invoices from October 24, 2024, which paid for the meal at Plantaž's restaurant "13. July", apparently, for two people in the amount of 82,20 euros, then two bills were paid in the Brix bar in Hamburg, of 22,50 and 40,50 euros, to the restaurant "Viaggio" in Berane (12 euros), the restaurant "Hofbrau" in Hamburg also two bills in the amounts of 72 and 64,90 euros, the restaurant "Vuk" in Podgorica (95 euros) and the restaurant "Porto" (59,20).
For the national team, this Ministry spent 196,97 euros in the "Laković" discount store.
The Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Northern Development spent a total of 645,09 euros on the national team.
Expenses based on the right to representation in the Ministry of Energy in the specified period from November 1, 2023 to November 1, 2024 were incurred exclusively for the purposes of holding meetings (water, juices, coffee) in the Ministry's premises. Prof. Ph.D Saša Mujović, now the former Minister of Energy, as well as other management staff, it is stated in the Ministry's response, did not use the rights to representation related to business lunches, dinners and the like.
In this period, the Ministry of Energy spent a total of 1.781,45 euros on the national team.
The Ministry of European Affairs submitted an analytical card from which it appears that EUR 2024 was spent for the national team in 26, until November 1.996,20. This document does not show where the listed accounts were made, but none of the amounts exceed 200 euros.
The Ministry of Culture and Media, in the period from February to October last year, spent a total of 6.185,11 euros on bar bills, and another 2.783,05 euros for the purchase of necessities. By far the largest bill of 600 euros was made in a Podgorica restaurant, while in Cetinje 410,70 euros were spent on guests from the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture. This department also used the representation abroad. In the "Lancana" tavern, in Gruda, in neighboring Croatia, 237,35 euros were spent, and in the "Capitan Unciono" tavern, in Venice, 376,90 euros.
The Ministry of Maritime Affairs, the Ministry of Mining, Oil and Gas, and the Ministry of Regional-Investment Development and Cooperation with Non-Governmental Organizations, which were formed in August last year, after the reconstruction of the Government, according to the statements from these departments, had no representation expenses in the mentioned period.
According to the submitted documentation, the newly formed Ministry of Social Welfare, Family Care and Demography has spent 162,79 euros for the national team since August. Department Damir Gutić used this amount to buy coffee, juices and water, as well as Euro-cream in the "Vola" store.
From November 1, 2023, in the following year, the Ministry of Tourism allocated a total of 3.994,37 euros for the national team. The largest part of that amount was spent in the "Laković" discount stores, but since this department did not provide copies of the invoices, it cannot be determined what exactly was purchased. There are no pub receipts among the submitted documents.
In the same period, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs paid 12.513,89 euros to the national team through the State Treasury. From the submitted documentation, without copies of invoices, it can be seen that quite a lot of money was spent on hospitality. Among other things, the officers created a bill in the restaurant "Porto" in Podgorica for 628,80 euros. The menu included a selection of specialties: carpaccio, salmon and tuna pate, octopus salad, and "San Pierre" filet was also served. We drank the wine "Radovan" from the Keković winery (50 euros for a 0,7l bottle) and the half-cheap white wine "S'ubli". Almost twice as much, 1.191,24 euros, the bill was paid in "Gradska" in Cetinje. Along with the "set menu 25", homemade plum brandy and several types of wine were consumed.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs paid the company "Donator" 6.642 euros, but it is not possible to conclude from the documentation what was paid for this considerable sum.
This department also paid 300 euros to the painter Filip Vlahović for oil on canvas.
The item for the representation of the Ministry of Public Administration from November 1, 2023 to November 1, 2024 was 3.403,04 euros. Officials and guests of this Ministry ate in the restaurant "Troja" (paid 227,60 euros), in "Porto" (460,90 euros), "Per semper" (101,50 and 139,70 euros)... On the menu were fish specialties, but also roast veal and lamb.
The Ministry of Finance spent 8.282,42 euros for the national team in one year. From that sum, EUR 5.000 was paid to REAL ESTATE & Co D00 - Hotel Palata Venezia in Ulcinj. From the submitted documentation, it cannot be concluded exactly what the money was spent on. In addition, the department he heads Novica Vuković he spent 1.879 euros in the restaurant "Porto" in Podgorica, and to the general director of the Directorate for Games of Chance, Coordination and Reporting on the Informal Economy and State Aid Danko Dragović the amount of 105 euros was paid.
The Ministry of Spatial Planning, Urbanism and State Property needed EUR 5.015,06 for the representation in the indicated period. Unlike some other departments, in the ministry he now heads Slaven Radunović they prefer hotels instead of cafes. They thus spent half of the budget "for food and drinks" in the "Hilton" (89,25 euros), "Hemera" (358,90) and most of all in the Hotel "Boscovich" (2.310,30). From the submitted documentation, due to the lack of original receipts, it cannot be concluded whether these amounts were spent on food, drinks or overnight stays.
The other half of the money for the national team was mostly spent in the "Laković" discount store, on juices, coffee and other necessities that are used during meetings and other occasions.
The Ministry of Transport paid 2023 euros per invoice for the national team in the last two months of 653,80. Last year, until December 1, 2.431,55 euros were spent for this purpose.
Even though this Ministry did not submit copies of the bills, the documentation shows that the national team spent mostly in bars, and the largest bill was made in the restaurant "Centar" - 910 euros.
The Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation did not submit a request and does not have a representation card, according to the response.
The Ministry of Diaspora, the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Dialogue replied that the requested information on the expenses of the representation was not "in its possession".
"Vijesti" obtained data on the costs of representation in the ministries with the help of the MANS application "Ask the Institutions".
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