There is also speculation about the "Podgorica scenario": Allegedly, there are informal contacts between the Jovanović and Mikijelj newspapers.

The narrative that DPS could return to power in the coastal municipality has been used in recent days to put pressure on supporters and voters of the once united DF.

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The deadline for constituting the Municipal Assembly expires on February 12th: detail from the last session, Photo: Vuk Lajović
The deadline for constituting the Municipal Assembly expires on February 12th: detail from the last session, Photo: Vuk Lajović
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Although he is the leader of the political group "Budva is our city" Nikola Jovanovic announced with potential coalition partners from the European Union and the Civic Movement (GP) URA a platform for forming a government in Budva, which he has not yet presented to the public, and in anticipation of the new session of the local parliament, several more scenarios for constituting the local government have allegedly opened up - "Vijesti" has learned unofficially.

The failed session on January 10th, whose agenda included the election of the head of the Municipal Assembly (MA), was held, the candidate was the leader of the European Alliance list Petar Odžić and received the support of 11 councilors, it "awakened" currents within the "warring", once united Democratic Front (DF), so there is speculation that their reconciliation could allegedly occur.

Invasion by supporters of the coalition "For the Future of Budva", led by Mladen Mikijelj, in the Municipal Assembly hall, but also sympathizers of Jovanović's group on the first floor of that building, in the office of the detained Mayor of the Municipality Milo Božović, led to the adjournment of the session. The fact that in the election of Odžić, "Budva our city", the European Union and GP URA could only receive votes from the opposition Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), was used by the bloc opposing Jovanović, Mikijel's List and the alliance of Democrats and the Europe Now Movement, to accuse him of "backdooring", through minority support, returning the DPS, which has been in opposition in the coastal municipality for eight and a half years, to power.

The narrative that DPS could return has been used in recent days to put pressure on numerous supporters and voters of the once unified DF, whose leader was the arrested Božović, in public and on social networks, in order to make that scenario fail.

The presentation of the announced platform is increasingly being questioned, and at the same time, speculation is growing that a “Podgorica scenario” could occur in Budva, that is, that the “warring” parties reconcile. In the capital of Montenegro, although many things indicated that this would not happen, the Movement for Podgorica (PzPG) is close to the head of state. Jakov Milatović At the end of last year, he formed an administration with those he had left this summer, the parties of the state government.

Although Jovanović told "Vijesti" that negotiations on forming a government are not underway, the visit of the leader of the Democratic People's Party (DNP) Milan Knežević The informal leader of the "Budva Our City" list, Božović, in the Supca prison, sparked rumors that through concessions from both sides, something that few can believe in could happen: reconciliation between the feuding parties.

For a year and a half, the two conflicting parties have been making the most serious accusations against each other, from criminal connections to abuse of office, corruption, etc., which has led not only to political but also personal hatred.

The coalition led by Mikijelj also told Vijesti that there are no negotiations. However, according to Vijesti's information, informal contacts do indeed exist, and both sides are presenting numerous conditions. Apparently, both agree that Jovanović and Mikijelj should not be in the future government. In this context, according to Vijesti's sources, the possibility of an independent candidate for the head of Budva, who would be acceptable to both sides, is being mentioned.

Despite all the rumors, tensions are growing day by day ahead of the new Municipal Assembly session. There is speculation that if it fails again, or if the Municipal Assembly is not constituted by electing a leader by February 12th (the deadline), the Government could introduce compulsory administration and thus temporarily "resolve" the political crisis in the city.

However, it is questionable whether this can happen, given that the Law on Local Self-Government stipulates that if the assembly is not constituted within 60 days of the announcement of the final election results, the head of state will call new elections.

The constituent session, whose agenda included the election of the parliament speaker, was adjourned on January 10. The Alliance “For the Future of Budva” did not allow the session to continue, claiming that it should be led by their representative. Krsto Radjenovic and accusing former party comrade Jovanović of "betraying the electoral will" because he should form a government with minority support from the DPS.

Officials, sympathizers and activists of the two "warring" factions of the former DF occupied the assembly hall, as well as the offices and corridors of the cabinet of the mayor of Budva, claiming that there are persons of security interest in the opposing camp.

At the session, eight councilors from the "Budva our city" list, two from the European Union and one from the GP URA nominated Odžić for the position of parliament speaker. In addition to Odžić and his colleague from the coalition Jovo Perović, they signed the proposal Blazo Radjenovic from GP URA and all councilors of the list "Budva our city" except Sava Medigović, who did not agree with that.

In the November elections, the lists "For the Future of Budva" and "Budva Our City" each won nine seats in the Municipal Assembly, DPS seven, the Democrats-PES coalition three, the European Union and "Movement for the City" two each, and GP URA one.

Considering that the Budva Municipal Assembly has 33 council seats, in order to form a government, it is necessary for one of the political actors to secure the support of at least 17 "armchairs".

Vujović: Spajić sabotages the convening of the session on Mandić's orders

The day before yesterday, immediately after completing the administrative supervision in the Budva Municipal Assembly, the Ministry of Public Administration (MPA) sent the Government a proposal to convene a session of the local parliament for January 23rd, but the executive branch has not yet considered the proposal.

The Ministry previously told "Vijesti" that they had supervised the implementation of the Law on Local Self-Government, noting that the first session of the newly elected parliament was not held in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned act.

The president of the Social Democratic Party and one of the leaders of the European Alliance, Ivan Vuković, announced yesterday that Prime Minister Spajić (PES) is sabotaging the decision to schedule the session of the State Parliament, on the orders of the head of the state parliament, Andrija Mandić (DF).

"Yesterday (the day before yesterday) he obstructed the proposal of the relevant minister (of public administration, Maraš Dukaj), because, of course, he has to bow his head before Mandić," he said.

He claims that, after the physical, there is a "legal rampage" on the scene.

"Don't think, Spajić, that you'll just get through this. Think about it, Milojko," Vujović said.

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