Citizens should not expect things to get better until they realize that they are victims of political parties and playthings in the hands of a degenerate government and a defective opposition, the Civic Initiative (GI) "21 May" announced.
"Montenegrin society is ruined, disoriented and fragmented. A corrupt, agentic and incompetent political class, immature and caricatured political and social leaders, distorted democracy, unqualified administration and corrupt institutions, an economy of poverty and dependence, organised crime and serial murders, a nation whose health is at risk, vulgar ethno-clericalism - these are just part of the difficult Montenegrin situation," the statement reads.
They add that the public is constantly confronted with political delusions, lies and deceptions, stupid institutional and party populism, economic demagogy and banal "pro-European" politics.
"Until citizens understand that they are victims of parties and playthings in the hands of a degenerate government and a defective opposition, they should not expect things to get better. Even less should they hope for progress if they think they will live in a more prosperous state by remaining silent, being politically and socially inactive, unwilling to materially and personally help progressive groups, while reducing a 'better life' to discussions about merciful salaries and pensions. Montenegrin problems are large, accumulated and in the meantime multiplied, but they are not insoluble, although they require time and effort. The general circumstances still require 'a bitter medicine for a bitter wound'. Such an attitude should be a thought, message and action that comes from multigenerational non-partisan circles, reformist and secular civic organizations and pro-Western protests and movements," the statement reads.
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