The head of the parliamentary group of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), Andrija Nikolić, says that the Prime Minister and the Europe Now Movement, Milojko Spajić, wanted an agreement with the opposition, but that the leader of New Serbian Democracy, the speaker of parliament, Andrija Mandić, did not allow it.
Nikolić explained that the opposition's proposal for resolving the crisis, "which was prevented by Andrija Mandić," consists of six points.
The first point is to stop the procedures for electing judges to the Constitutional Court, with a coordinated approach by the government and the opposition to the Venice Commission in order to obtain an opinion regarding the decision of the Constitutional Committee of December 17, 2024.
The second point is - until the Venice Commission's opinion is received, enabling a debate on the Draft Law on the Budget of Montenegro for 2025 and related laws in order to overcome the "difficult financial situation in which Montenegro finds itself".
The third point of the proposed agreement is that, except for the debate on the Budget Bill and related laws, the parliament shall not meet until the Venice Commission has delivered its opinion.
The Assembly, it is written in the fourth point, will, within seven days at the latest from the delivery of the opinion of the Venice Commission, take all necessary steps for its full implementation.
The fifth point is the signing of a political platform between the government and the opposition, which obliges parliamentary parties not to propose solutions that divide the public, including amendments to the Constitution and the Law on Montenegrin Citizenship, without previously securing a general political consensus.
The concluding paragraph states that, with the aforementioned platform, representatives of parliamentary parties would commit to full commitment to fulfilling Montenegro's obligations on its path to joining the EU.

Nikolić says that Mandić's nervousness and patience betrayed him after the expected political outcome in Budva.
"And what did the political outcome in Budva tell us? That Mandić lost control of his standard stronghold and that neither Vučić nor his ventriloquist, embodied in the Speaker of the Parliament of Montenegro, managed to 'resolve' the situation in Budva," Nikolić said.
He added that Mandić fears every meeting between Milojko Spajić and the ambassadors of the Quint and representatives of Western countries in Montenegro because he fears that he could be removed from the parliamentary majority, but also that he wants to prevent any constructiveness and the creation of some common bridges that would support Montenegro's faster path to the European Union at all costs.
"Mandić will suspend the measures, if he wants dialogue, and sit at the table. The ball is in the majority's court and it depends on them whether there is readiness," he said.
Responding to a question about the continuation of the dialogue, Nikolić said that if there is interest, Mandić will suspend the measures he came up with and sit at the negotiating table, and if not, they will know what to do.
The head of the Social Democrats parliamentary group, Boris Mugoša, said that instead of an agreement, they resorted to what could have been seen yesterday.
"He has 13 MPs, that is respectable. I respect every citizen who votes for any party. But the majority has 53 MPs. As Mandić said in parliament yesterday, when he doesn't like any statement made by his partners, he takes matters into his own hands."
Mugoša says that today's session was scheduled "in an incredible way."
"At 11:52 I received a notification that the session would continue at 13 p.m. We were not informed of the items. This was not the first item today. Of course, none of that happened, which is an indicator of complex arrogance. But I say again, the responsibility lies with those 40 MPs who are also in the majority. The message was sent only to us who are not far away. However, that is a mistake, because we all need to be familiar with the agenda," he said.
He recalls that his proposal was accepted by the Government in 2023 - that proportional pensions would be increased from April 2024, "but now they are only adopting the laws."
"It's all hypocrisy. Today they collectively suffer for Budva. I even find it unbelievable that some parties that did not participate in Budva suffer. Some parties that have one councilor do not understand that their way of acting shows that they are becoming irrelevant. Their only function is to keep their seats. They are not interested in the standard of citizens, the emancipation of citizens, the progressiveness of society. It's all a mask. They write some barometers, tell fairy tales, and call all those citizens who voted for other parties in Budva last night nationalists, thieves..."
Mugoša, responding to a question about the meeting with ambassadors of the Quint countries, said that Mandić does not have the support of the international community for the removal measures, but that he is "a serious politician who is playing with frivolous coalition partners."
He said that they are the European opposition and that they will not do what the Democratic Front did before 2020.
"He dictated to them what they should do, they didn't ask," Mugoša said. "In some cities they retained power by force, in others they didn't succeed even by force," he added.
When asked by journalists why there was no vote on the budget, Mugoša said that it was the first point, and that they were manipulating it.
"You remember their story about salaries and pensions, so they were paid. In order to create a mask of regular work, they reached for the pension law," he said.
When asked by a "Vijesti" journalist why they offered a similar agreement to the ruling majority, which differs only in the addition of a provision that there will be no changes to the Constitution and the Citizenship Act, as well as why they did not accept the majority's offer and instead requested its amendment, Nikolić agreed that the majority's agreement contained nothing but an address to the Venice Commission.
"We wanted and we said - we will have our proposal with which we will go to you," he emphasized.
Responding to the question of what the opposition was offering to PES, Mugoša said that they were asked if the agreement, in addition to resolving the political crisis, should contain a provision that divisive issues be put aside until accession to the EU.
"This is not just a constitutional crisis, which was deliberately created. We have the fact that we are witnessing rising tensions in Montenegro every day. We need to talk about a package to stabilize and calm this society," he said.
As he said, the majority told the opposition that they wanted to wait for the opinion of the Venice Commission and unblock the parliament, but to continue public calls for the election of a judge to replace Dragana Đuranović.
He added that they were close to an agreement at the first collegium, but that Mandić then interrupted the session.
Nikolić added that they received a notification at the collegium from the president of the PES parliamentary group, Vasilije Čarapić, that the opposition was being offered the opportunity to jointly address the Venice Commission, and that the parliament would be unblocked in the meantime, and that this was an offer from his parliamentary group, and that they were open to including some additional topics in the agreement, but that Mandić then took a break.
"Mandić has disciplined the PES parliamentary group. He is afraid every time SPajić sits down with the Quinte ambassadors," he pointed out.
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