The first trap cameras in the Biogradska Gora National Park were installed in the previous days as part of the "Bear Observation" project implemented by the WWF Adria World Nature Protection Fund and the "Dinarid Parks - Network of Dinarid Protected Areas", announced the National Parks of Montenegro (NPCG).
"This project is being implemented in Biogradska gora National Park in Montenegro and Tara National Park in Serbia, and it is envisaged that in the next four years, through the cooperation of representatives of science and business, a system will be established for the development of local businesses, while at the same time sustainable use of resources and nature protection" , the announcement states.
It is added that camera traps have been installed in order to detect the brown bear and other animal species in this national park.
"After the installation of feeding areas and photo traps, the project also envisages the installation of bear monitoring collars and traps for DNA samples in order to collect data on abundance, movement, favorable habitats and other characteristics important for the protection and popularization of the species," the announcement states.
All these activities aim to include as many representatives of the local population as possible, domestic and international visitors in an attractive bear watching tour.
The brown bear is an endangered species protected by international documents, of which Montenegro is a signatory to the Bern Convention on the Protection of Endangered Species and their Habitats, EC Directive 92/43 on the Conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna and their Natural Habitats, and the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), and the bear is also on the Red List of Endangered Animals (IUCN).
"When it comes to the protection of this animal in Montenegro, according to the Game and Hunting Act, the bear is protected by fallowing, while the bear with a muzzle up to two years old is permanently protected.
The presence of the brown bear has been proven in the Biogradska gora National Park, and this species mainly inhabits the mountainous and continental parts of Montenegro.
The project "Protected areas for nature and people" is financed by the Swedish international development agency - Sida.
"We remind you that camera traps were previously installed in Prokletije National Park as part of the Balkan Lynx Recovery Program in Montenegro, which was implemented in cooperation with the Center for the Protection and Study of Birds CZIP, the Swiss organization KORA, the German organization "EURONATUR", and which is financially supported by MAVA Foundation. Camera traps set up as part of this project have not yet registered the presence of the Balkan lynx, but a large number of different wild animal species have been detected," the statement concluded.
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