The supply of state pharmacies is satisfactory, and at the moment there is a shortage of a dozen preparations, said the director of Montefarm, Budimir Stanišić. He said that all the tender procedures were completed relatively on time and without objections from the State Commission, stating that there is no reason why pharmacies should not be supplied by the end of the year. satisfactory. "At the moment, there is a shortage of a dozen preparations in pharmacies, for example Clometol and Kytril for gastrointestinal disorders and nausea in patients undergoing chemotherapy, as well as Clozapine for psychiatric patients, which has not been available for a month, but is expected next week," Stanišić said in a guest appearance on Radio Crna Above. According to him, the shortage of other drugs in some pharmacies can last only a day or two, while the drugs are distributed from Montefarm's warehouse. Stanišić said that the Quality Medal, which was recently awarded to Montefarma by the Swiss research institute Kvadal, confirms that it is a health care institution with a safe system and a high-quality offer of medicines.
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