Selected gynecologists of health centers should give birth or attend the act in the case of women in labor whose pregnancy they monitored. This possibility is foreseen by the Amendments to the Law on Health Care, which is in the parliamentary procedure.
Selected gynecologists welcome the idea, but are skeptical about the organization of work, given the large number of examinations they perform every day and the lack of routine for the delivery room.
In the event that selected gynecologists who have not worked in the operating room for a long time lack routine, as explained by the Ministry of Health, given that they will be on the hospital's duty list, they will be able to request to be in the room with their patient.
Assistant Minister of Health Mensud Grbović reminded that the current concept of the chosen gynecologist implies that preventive examinations are performed at the primary level and women's health problems are solved in order to promote health, as well as manage normal pregnancies.
This means that, instead of ten gynecologists working at the primary level in Podgorica, we will significantly increase their number. Thus, for example, it is planned that the Clinical Center of Montenegro has a total of 34 gynecologists, 24 existing and ten from the Podgorica Health Center, who can work in several locations
Grbović said that in the unique system of the health center, all gynecologists will work for the same employer, will have the same diploma, as well as the same characteristics and obligations.
"This means that, instead of ten gynecologists who work at the primary level in Podgorica, we will significantly increase their number. For example, it is planned that the Clinical Center of Montenegro will have a total of 34 gynecologists, 24 existing and ten from the Podgorica Health Center, who can to work in several locations. Also, in the Clinical Center there are four outpatient clinics for different types of pathology, and in the Health Center six, so there would be ten outpatient clinics available to female patients, which will work twice," specified Grbović.
In this way, he believes, an integrated system of women's health care will be provided.
Grbović pointed out that elected gynecologists, as well as all healthcare workers, are required by law to undergo additional education, so, in his opinion, it is only a matter of routine, which will be resolved over time. He added that those responsible for this will deal with the organization of work in detail, and that they will precisely study the exact number of gynecologists, daily examinations and deliveries.
"We think that it will be the most visible, if it comes to life the way we envisioned it, because it implies the mobility of gynecologists from one level of the health system to another, and an increase in their availability, and therefore an increase in the number of women who would choose to use this type of health care Grbović added. Private gynecologists, as he stated, will not be engaged in that system, because there are enough of them in state institutions.
Dr. Aleksandar Boljević, the elected gynecologist of the Podgorica Health Center, believes that it is "a good idea to bring women closer to primary health care, but in connection with which a lot of things should be clearly specified."
The elected gynecologist of the Podgorica Health Center, Dr. Aleksandar Boljević, believes that it is "a good idea to bring primary health care closer to women, but in connection with which a lot of things should be clearly specified."
He stated that, in addition to the current volume of work, it will be difficult to attend the delivery of female patients, and that strict care must also be taken as to how ready the selected gynecologists are to enter the delivery room, given that they have not dealt with it for many years. . Dr. Boljević pointed out that expectant mothers have all the necessary conditions for quality pregnancy monitoring at the Health Center and have no reason to visit private surgeries.
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