The tourist offer of NP Biogradska gora is richer for two tourist buses that will run from the King's wheel to the entrance to the National Park.
"We are very pleased that the tourist offer of NP Biogradska gora has been supplemented with new attractive vehicles for the transport of tourists that will run on the route from the King's wheel to Lake Biograd, but, above all, that we will significantly move the parking of vehicles from the national park itself. From this season, a certain number of vehicles will be parked in the parking lot near Kraljevo kol, which will relieve the space near Biograd Lake, which during the previous years, due to the lack of adequate parking space, was used for that purpose," said the director of JPNPCG Elvir Klica.
The Public Works Administration announced that the total value of the vehicle is 549.757 euros, with a delivery deadline of April 20.
"The largest part of the funds, about 419.000 euros, was provided by the Government of Montenegro from the capital budget. The rest of 130.800 euros is financed by the Chamber of Commerce, based on the agreement on the allocation of funds with JP National Parks of Montenegro, within the project "Development of low-carbon tourism in Montenegro". in which UNDP is the implementation partner," the announcement states.
The vehicle consists of a locomotive, two trailers for transporting passengers with 20 seats each and one trailer with 16 seats for people with disabilities.
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