Varheji to the countries of the Western Balkans: By working together, we will come out of the crisis stronger

The commissioner also stated that it is necessary to speed up the projects that are already in the preparation phase that can bring relief to the private sector, the market and the social sector and emphasized cooperation within the multi-year operational program for employment, education and social assistance worth 15,3 million euros
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Oliver Varhelji, Photo:,,,,
Oliver Varhelji, Photo:,,,,
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Oliver Varheji assessed that Europe is facing an unprecedented public health crisis and that cooperation and solidarity are key.

In letters sent to the prime ministers of the six countries of the Western Balkans, which Radio Free Europe (RSE) had access to, he emphasized that the European Union (EU) stands by the countries of the Western Balkans in looking for ways to address the outbreak and consequences of the pandemic.

In his address to the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Duško Marković, Varheja pointed out that he instructed his services to make available up to three million euros, which will be financed from the funds for EU integration, but also to start work on redesigning up to 50 million euros and accelerate cooperation on some of the existing national programs.

The commissioner also stated that it is necessary to speed up projects that are already in the preparation phase that can bring relief to the private sector, the market and the social sector and emphasized cooperation within the multi-year operational program for employment, education and social assistance worth 15,3 million euros.

In a letter to the now technical Prime Minister of Kosovo, Aljbin Kurti, Oliver Varheji pointed out that he told his services to make available up to 5 million euros for urgent needs that will be financed from EU integration and to start work on redesigning up to 50 million euros of aid from the program from 2019 and 2020, which should now be used to mitigate the social and economic consequences of the crisis. The originally planned projects can be financed from subsequent programs, he added in the letter.

The commissioner also stated that it is necessary to urgently accelerate the projects that are already in preparation, which can improve liquidity and support for the private sector. This, as he explained, includes the upcoming payment of up to 13 million euros in the payment of budget support, if the relevant conditions are met.

"Additionally, we are considering other projects and will adjust," added the letter to Kurti.

Serbia and North Macedonia

In a letter addressed to the Technical Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Oliver Spasovski, Varheji stated that the EU will make available up to four million euros for current needs and that these funds will be financed from EU integration funds.

Also, the commissioner ordered to start redesigning up to 50 million euros through the performance award, which should now be used to mitigate the socio-economic impact of the crisis.

He also stated that there is an urgent need to speed up projects that are already in the preparation phase, which can bring relief to the private sector and improve liquidity. This, he said, includes aid for small and medium-sized enterprises of nine million euros and a fixed tranche of three million euros for budget support after confirmation that the conditions are met. In addition, it is stated, other projects are being considered.

When it comes to Serbia, Varheja stated in his letter to Prime Minister Ana Branić and Minister for European Integration, Jadranka Joksimović, that he had instructed his services to make available up to 15 million euros for current needs, and that these funds would be financed from current of the UNDP, UNOPS and EU integration contracts

As he stated, it is necessary to re-examine the remaining funds of the EU fund for integration in the total value of 20,8 million euros.

Varheji also added that based on the agreement with the Government of Serbia, it is necessary to redefine the time frame for projects such as the gas connection between Serbia and Bulgaria and the biomass project with the development bank KfW and redirect those funds. "This could free up 57,6 million euros," the commissioner added.

In his letters, Varheji pointed out that the European Commission cooperates with international financial institutions, looking at how best to solve liquidity issues and financial problems of the private sector, and examines how multinational instruments, such as the guarantee for the Western Balkans, can best help the region.

"We are also working closely with the Regional Cooperation Council, the CEFTA Secretariats and the Transport Community to address issues affecting the supply of essential goods to facilitate the movement of goods within the region and between the region and the EU," the letters said.

Varheji also called for the full cooperation of the countries of the region and joint work and pointed out that a challenge of this magnitude can only be answered through close cooperation and solidarity.

"This is evolving rapidly and we will have to adapt accordingly. Working together, we will come out of this crisis stronger," the commissioner concluded.

Albania and BiH

In the letters he sent to the prime ministers of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Serbia on March 24, Varheji stated that the European Commission is intensively considering how to include those countries in the initiatives that the EU undertakes in response to the pandemic, as well as how to best offer support that will mitigate the impact of the coronavirus on society and the economy.

"When it comes to the citizens of the region who remained in the EU, the Commission is in contact with the member states regarding the citizens of third countries who may find themselves in the situation of staying in the Schengen area as a result of travel restrictions," added the commissioner.

In a letter addressed to the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, Varheji stated that he instructed his services to make available up to four million euros for immediate needs, which will be provided from EU integration funds, but also to redirect the existing social inclusion support program in order to responded better to social needs stemming from COVID 19.

In addition, he added, work will begin on collecting up to 11 million euros through a performance award to expand the social inclusion support program.

In addition, as stated in the letter to Rama, allocations from programs that are in process will be simplified to help the private sector and improve liquidity.

"This could include up to €35 million from planned projects in the areas of the circular economy, property rights and the rule of law. The planned projects would be financed from additional cycles," said Varheji.

In the letter he sent to the chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Zoran Tegeltija, Varheji pointed out that he had instructed his services to make available up to seven million euros for urgent needs that will be financed from EU integration and to be ready for redirection of allocations from several planned and existing programs in order to provide an additional 28 million euros for medical and other short-term needs identified by BiH.

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