Vukčević broke the law, had corona before, and Veselin Grbović did not declare all his income and his apartment in Podgorica

The agency found that Grbović did not declare all of his income as well as that of his wife Lidija Grbović, but not an increase in property in the form of an apartment of 91 square meters in the capital.

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Photo: Government of Montenegro
Photo: Government of Montenegro
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The Agency for the Prevention of Corruption found that he is the former president of the Municipality of Nikšić Veselin Grbović violated the Law on Prevention of Corruption.

She did this after writing to "Vijesti", which announced in the first half of January that she had not submitted the property certificate within the legal deadline of 30 days after leaving the post of president.

The agency also found that he did not declare all of his income as well as that of his wife Lidija Grbović, but not an increase in property in the form of an apartment of 91 square meters in the capital.

After leaving the position of president, he was nominated as a member of the Board of Directors of CEDIS.

Grbović said that "he was informed that the Government proposed him to the OD CEDIS, that he was at a session and on that occasion drew attention to the fact that he did not want to generate income from basic membership in the said working body". "However, the EPCG services probably paid the funds for participation in the Committee according to some pattern, about which he had no information," the explanation states.

When it comes to funds from the Ministry of Ecology, he said that he was a member of the commission for the preparation of the Spatial Plan, but that he was not aware that they were allocating any funds for participation in the work. When it comes to funds from the Community of Municipalities, although the president of the Management Board said that they never paid him any funds, so he does not know why he was paid 50 euros.

Regarding his wife's income, he said that his department received information from her employer and that "that way, there was probably a difference in the reported data."

When it comes to the apartment, he said that in 1989, based on the contract with the Karić brothers, he made an arrangement that they, performing work for them for three years in the municipality of Peć, and then seven in Moscow, would compensate him in the form of buying an apartment in Podgorica .

The residential unit was registered in the cadastre in May of last year, but it has not yet been put to use. He sold the apartment less than two months ago.

The agency also established that the former director of the Investment and Development Fund (IRF) Zoran Vukcevic violated the law, because he also did not submit the property certificate to the Agency within the legal deadline of 30 days after leaving that place.

Vukčević informed the Agency at the end of January that he was unable to submit the card within the stipulated time, citing as the reason the consequences of the coronavirus. He also pointed out that his very address to the Agency that he was not able to meet the deadline shows that he did not intend to avoid anything, and that he was asking for understanding.

The agency states that he also submitted documentation about the coronavirus.

"But she determined that they could not influence the adoption of a different decision, bearing in mind the fact that the appointed person had recovered from the COVID-19 infection a month before the preparation of the said report, i.e. before November 30, while the deadline for submitting the report on income and assets was within 30 days from December 29," the explanation states.

The Agency also established that the former member of the Board of Directors of the IRF Irfan Husovic did not submit the card within the legal term of 30 days from the termination of the function. He did not respond to the Agency's allegations.

The agency also established that the then director of the Airport Danilo Orlandic he did not submit the property card for 2017. This is another of the old procedures, which was initiated in the middle of 2018, when he was the head of the Agency Happy Radonjic but it was completed after almost three years.

Orlandić did not respond to the Agency's allegations.

It was also established that the former assistant minister of transport Dalibor Milosevic did not submit the regular annual property tax return for 2019.

Milošević said that due to his obligations as a member of the operational team at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, he was unable to personally send the card.

"It was already done by his colleague from the ministry, who, after scanning and sending it to the Agency's email address, deleted the email so as not to keep his personal data on her email account," the explanation states.

For all these omissions, the law prescribes a fine of 500 to 2.000 euros.

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