NP Biogradska gora was visited by 50.700 tourists

The NPCG is convinced that, despite the uncertain situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic, with good preparation, the next tourist season will be more successful in terms of the number of visitors and overall tourist traffic.

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Biogradska gora National Park (NP) has been visited by 50,7 thousand tourists in the current part of the year, which is about 80 percent compared to the record 2019, its director Marija Dulović announced.

"If we compare the data from August of this year and 2019, we can talk about the achievement of results based on tickets sold of about 98 percent," said Dulović at the session of the Socio-Economic Council of NP Biogradska Gora.

Dulović said that since the beginning of the year, NP Biogradska gora has generated revenues of 93 percent compared to the record 2019.

"If the weather and the epidemiological situation allow it, we count on visits until October," said Dulović and added that the NP's mission is the promotion and preservation of nature, a healthy lifestyle and a return to nature.

When it comes to the structure of visitors, in June, July and August there were mostly domestic guests from Podgorica and the coast, while a larger number of foreign guests from Serbia, Israel and Ukraine were also recorded.

The company National Parks of Montenegro (NPCG) announced that a successful tourist season was noted at the meeting, which was realized in specific conditions.

"In addition to the implementation of program activities concerning the preservation and promotion of the most significant values ​​of that protected natural area and the constructive proposals of all entities that contribute to the quality development of the tourist season, representatives of NPCG highlighted general guidelines regarding the preparatory activities for the next year, which will be realized in synergy with key subjects", the announcement states.

The NPCG is convinced that, despite the uncertain situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic, with good preparation, the next tourist season will be more successful in terms of the number of visitors and overall tourist traffic.

The NPCG representative, Veselin Luburić, recalled that at the beginning of June, a scientific conference entitled Anti-erosion protection of Lake Biograd and solving hydrological problems in the basin of the Biograd River and Biograd Lake was held in Kolašin, in which relevant experts from the field of water and soil protection participated.

He said that key activities were carried out in the forest ecosystem of the rainforest reserve, including Forest Health Monitoring, as well as other activities related to the protection and improvement of biodiversity.

At the meeting, proposals were presented for the improvement of the tourist offer during the next year, as well as initiatives on the protection of space.

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