The director of NP Biogradska gora, Marija Dulović, said that she hopes that the competent institutions will soon arrest the perpetrators of the crime, the murders of a protected species of deer in that nature reserve.
"For all of us in NP Biogradska gora and the Public Enterprise for National Parks of Montenegro, the primary goal is the protection of nature and its ecosystems, to which we are uncompromisingly committed. I want to emphasize that every result and success of ours in good faith depends on establishing a level of cooperation and mutual trust with local and state structures, which by the nature of their work are responsible for the preservation of nature. We hope that today's action of the supervisor of the protection service of NP BG, the head of the service, the police of Kolašin and Berana will give positive results and that the person who committed the crime, the killing of a protected species of deer , bear the consequences and answer for your crime," she announced.
According to her, the teams have been on the ground since early morning and are working on the investigation. According to Dulovi, they immediately informed all relevant institutions about the committed criminal act.
"What I can say is that material goods were found on the spot: weapons and a piece of equipment. We hope and deeply believe that all the institutions involved in these events will do their best to find the perpetrators of that crime," says the director of the National Police. Biogradska gora.
She announces that "all the details of the investigation will be announced in a timely manner by the competent inspector from the MUP.
He also says that Jelena Kljajevic, the director of the JPNPCG, has been informed of the events and all the measures taken by the NP protection service in order to shed light on that crime since the crime occurred.
She points out that she is proud of the supervisors, the protection service and the administration of the NP "who are maximally dedicated to their work and who fight this type of crime".
He also emphasizes that decades-long problems exceed the capacities of the National Park, and that solving them must be approached systematically and in cooperation with all competent institutions.
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