Post a sign, protect game

In NP "Biogradska gora" they say that they "verbally" contacted the authorities and that they were told that they should solve the problem themselves, they point out that they hope that the National Parks of Montenegro will start an initiative...

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Illustration, Photo: Shutterstock
Illustration, Photo: Shutterstock
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The lack of a traffic sign that would warn drivers about wild game on the road is one of the reasons why two fawns and an older hind died in just a few months on the highway Kolašin - Mojkovac, near the "Biogradska gora" National Park.

The NP says that they "verbally" contacted the authorities and were told that they should solve the problem themselves.

They point out that they hope that the Public Enterprise National Parks of Montenegro will launch an initiative to protect wild game in this way.

"Protection is our primary goal and why we exist. The protection service is on the ground 24 hours a day, throughout the year, and they try to preserve all the game in the park in the best possible way, which, compared to the past two years, is increasing. The field is visited regularly, at precisely designated locations, i.e. feeding grounds and salt pans, mineral salt, baled hay and grain are carried. "Unfortunately, we cannot preserve what comes out of the park, and that is the part managed by the hunting societies from Kolašin and Mojkovac", they explain in NP "Biogradska gora".

They remind that "wild game on the road" signs have been placed in several locations in Montenegro, and one of them is near the pump in Lugovi near Kolašin.

In NP "Biogradska gora" they say that the proximity of the park is reason enough to install traffic signals that would warn drivers.

Deer game approaches the highway during the summer and during the winter. In the summer, he is looking for refreshment from the heat in the Tara River, and in the winter, he is looking for salt to sprinkle on the highway.

On several occasions, employees of the NP "Biogradska gora" returned the game and moved it away from the highway, but, as the head of the Protection Service says Mile Rnković, find another way and reach Tara and the road again.

He explains that it is characteristic that mostly younger deer are killed because "the older ones are more experienced and behave more carefully when they approach the highway".

Two hunting societies in that town warned a few months ago that there is no adequate signage to protect game on the highway near Kolašin.

After three deer were killed on the highway, the hunters appealed to the road authorities to install appropriate signage.

The critical sections of the road in the territory of the municipality of Kolašin are, they claim, from the entrance to Platije to Badanj and the section of the road from the bridge leading towards Biogradska Gora to Sjerogošte.

On the main road from the entrance to Platije to Morača Monastery, roe deer, chamois and brown bears often cross the main road.

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