Feđa Alković needs help for treatment in Germany

Feđa is fighting tumors that were diagnosed even after the brain surgery he had in 2019 and treatment in Turkey

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Photo: Budi Human Foundation
Photo: Budi Human Foundation
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The boy Feđa Alković from Podgorica needs help in his battle with a serious illness.

Feđa is fighting tumors that were diagnosed even after the surgery he had on his brain in 2019 and treatment in Turkey.

His family members said that he needs to go to Germany for treatment as soon as possible.

"Our son Feđa has been fighting a battle with a malignant brain tumor for four full years. Feđa was diagnosed with a brain tumor for the seventh time, for which he will need to be operated on for the fourth time, after which he will be irradiated and treated with biological-immunological therapy, after which he will an anti-tumor vaccine will be made on a piece of tumor tissue taken. All this requires a lot of money and is a very complex situation because his treatment will be based on three closely specialized clinics in the fields of neurosurgery, radiology and oncology, as well as on a biochemical research center for severe forms of malignancy ", announced the Alković family.

200.000 euros are needed for treatment.

"We ask all people of good will to help us both financially and with words of support so that we know that we are not alone. Immense thanks to everyone who helped and who intend to do so, as well as to those who did not, but have words support, also a big thank you. We hope that we can come out as winners this time as well," said the Alković family.

A giro account for payment was opened at CKB Bank in the name of Milena Alković, and the number for payments is 510-0210988215028-20.

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