Action for Human Rights (HRA) announced that it requested information from the Ministry of Education on whether the children who were exposed to the controversial survey in the elementary school "Štampar Makarije" received from the teachers of that school adequate educational information that they the views expressed in that survey are discriminatory, belong to hate speech and are prohibited as such in Montenegro.
"Also, we asked the ministry and the Institute of Education whether, in principle, it is ensured that children exposed to questionnaires and research receive feedback about it, that is, that they learn something from all this, instead of just being treated as samples for the private needs of creating works, research and the like. We pointed out that the Convention on the Rights of the Child protects the rights of children to receive information, to education about human rights and prohibits any form of exploitation and mental abuse," the non-governmental organization announced on Facebook.
The news previously announced that the Educational Inspectorate will investigate who is responsible for the fact that the children in Podgorica's "Štampar Makarije" elementary school received a questionnaire, where the students, among other things, are asked to answer whether and to what extent they agree with the sentence that " homosexuals, prostitutes and drug addicts deserve to die of AIDS".
"The Directorate for Inspection Affairs has taken the initiative regarding this situation and the Educational Inspectorate will act within the scope of its competences and, if necessary, inform the interested public about it," the Directorate, which is headed by Ana Vujošević, told "Vijesta" earlier.
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