The UIP awards went beyond the rules: the chosen ones with a fist and a cap

The decision stipulates that the variable part is up to 50 percent of the average salary in Montenegro in the previous year and that it can be paid quarterly or semi-annually.

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The Administration does not answer how they pay the variables, Photo: Shutterstock
The Administration does not answer how they pay the variables, Photo: Shutterstock
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The Directorate for Inspection Affairs (UIP) paid the employees a variable part of the salary in the last year and this year almost every month, although according to the regulations it can be paid for three or six months.

This is shown by the UIP documentation, obtained on the basis of the Law on Free Access to Information, which "Vijesti" had access to.

UIP Director Ana Vujošević, explaining the solutions, stated that the nominated officials made a special contribution to the improvement of the work process and the realization of program tasks, where they showed special efficiency in their work. In the solutions, article 3 of the Decision on the variable part of the salary from 2017 is cited, which stipulates that this allowance belongs to an employee with exceptional results and quality of work, but also article 4 according to which "exceptional results and quality of work of an employee are valued and on the basis of a special contribution to the improvement of the body's work process, exceptional success and quality of work performed, and special efficiency in work".

They claim that they are doing everything legally: Vujošević
They claim that they are doing everything legally: Vujoševićphoto: Government

However, Article 5 of the same Decision stipulates that the variable part is up to 50 percent of the average salary in Montenegro in the previous year and that it can be paid quarterly or semi-annually. This is not stated in the decisions according to which UIP officials are rewarded.

47 employees met the conditions for exercising the right to the variable part of the salary from November 13 to December 13 last year, in the gross amount of 100 to 266 euros

The UIP did not answer "Vijesti" whether they pay the variable part of the salary at the beginning of the current month for the previous month, but they said that they do so in accordance with the law.

Several lawyers with whom "Vijesti" spoke explained that the list of employees exercising that right is drawn up for a single month, but the variable is paid quarterly (for three months) or semi-annually.

"The Directorate for Inspection Affairs carries out increased inspection supervision during the summer and winter trust season, as well as certain actions of increased inspection supervision in certain areas, which are carried out in cooperation with other state bodies. In this regard, and in relation to the scope and dynamics of the work by the organizational units of this Administration, the officers with their professional approach, knowledge, commitment, additional engagement due to unfilled positions and replacement of temporarily absent officers contribute to the realization of tasks and exceptional results and quality of work... ", he wrote in the answer.

According to the documentation that "Vijesti" had access to, at least four employees resign almost every month

The UIP pointed out that they pay the variable part of the salary based on a previously obtained confirmation from the state administration body, responsible for financial affairs, about the available financial resources.

According to the available documentation, the UIP twice requested confirmation of the availability of budget funds from the Ministry of Finance. Thus, the UIP informed the Ministry of Finance in November of last year that the variable part of the salary for November was in the gross amount of EUR 5.077,61.

In December last year, the UIP passed a decision according to which 47 employees meet the conditions for exercising the right to a variable part of the salary. For 29 employees, a decision was made that they are entitled to 266 euros, 11 to 150, and to the rest 100 euros. At the end of 2021, according to the UIP report, 298 employees worked in that institution, of which 235 were inspectors.

The data show that, for example, public procurement officers of the UIP were paid variable for eight months last year, and for four this year.

The non-governmental sector previously criticized the non-transparency in the allocation of variables, bonuses on earnings that belong to an employee with exceptional results and quality of work, and which amounted to up to 80 percent of the average salary. The Alternative Institute said seven years ago that the quality of work should be evaluated in relation to the already existing Regulation on the evaluation of civil servants, in order to prevent arbitrariness in the allocation of variables.

That NGO warned that lack of transparency in the allocation of variables was also criticized by SIGMA - a joint initiative of the European Commission and the OECD. In the Report on the level of fulfillment of the European principles of public administration in Montenegro, which SIGMA published on November 13, 2015, the inaccuracy in the legislative framework when it comes to the allocation of variables by the head of the body or the minister is criticized.

According to the earlier data of that NGO, the state authorities spent almost one and a half million euros annually on the basis of the payment of the variable.

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