Komnenović: The government should approve the sanitary culling of semi-wild cattle in the Municipality of Tivat

The long-standing problem of stray cattle faced by the residents of that part of Tivat is escalating again these days, as semi-wild cattle often come onto the Jadranska magistrala and the main road in the settlement of Gradiošnica and threaten the safety of road users.

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Semi-wild cattle in Gradiošnica, Photo: Private archive
Semi-wild cattle in Gradiošnica, Photo: Private archive
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The President of the Municipality of Tivat Željko Komnenović addressed today the Prime Minister Milojko Spajić, the Ministers of Agriculture Vladimir Joković and the Minister of the Interior Danilo Šaranović, and the Director of the Administration for Infestation Affairs Ana Vujošević with an open letter in which he requested that the Government of Montenegro approve the sanitary culling of semi-wild cattle, which have been free for years, to the Municipality of Tivat they roam the eastern parts of the municipality of Tivat and cause great material damage to locals, tourists and other citizens and pose a danger to people's lives.

The long-standing problem of stray cattle faced by the residents of that part of Tivat is escalating again these days, as semi-wild cattle often come onto the Adriatic Highway and the main road in the settlement of Gradiošnica and threaten the safety of road users.

For days, videos of cattle grazing near the highway near the Tivat airport have been posted on social networks for days, often going out onto the road, which is otherwise very dangerous and unlit here.

Because of this, several traffic accidents occurred in the past few days in which cars hit cattle on the road.

Fortunately, there were no injured people, but there was a lot of material damage to the vehicles, which was reported by "Vijesti" on Thursday.

In his address to the prime minister, ministers and the director of the Directorate for Inspection Affairs, the President of the Municipality of Tivat Željko Komnenović reminded them today of the genesis of this problem and everything that the local administration of Tivat has undertaken so far without success trying to deal with it, and in which it has failed to the greatest extent. "hands tied" by bad legal solutions and lack of adequate support from state institutions.

"The problem is escalating again in such a way that cattle without ear tags move quite freely on one of the busiest roads in Montenegro - the Adriatic Highway, at the very entrance to Tivat, in the immediate vicinity of Tivat Airport. The problem of the existence of wandering cattle is evident in the settlement of Gradiošnica, in Dumidran, in Bogdašići, on the very border towards Kavč and the municipality of Kotor, in the upper parts of the settlements of Mazina and Tripovići, on the slopes of Vrmac that citizens and tourists use for hiking and recreation. of citizens. Numerous traffic incidents have been registered, and the Municipality of Tivat is about to be sued for the resulting material damage. In addition, citizens send the Municipality numerous complaints, requests for intervention and pleas for financial assistance," said Komnenović in a letter to state officials, stressing that recently according to the citizen's report, the communal police officer of the Municipality of Tivat went out into the field, where he found an improvised cattle feedlot in the center of the Gradiošnica settlement.

"On that occasion, he entered into a conflict with one of the persons found at the location and the means of coercion were used. This case is now before the competent court in Kotor," emphasized Komnenović, reminding the prime minister, ministers and the director of the Directorate for Inspection Affairs that the Municipality of Tivat in 2021 and 2022 undertook a series of activities, in accordance with its competences, "and with the great efforts of numerous services, it organized campaigns to capture these wild and mostly aggressive cattle without ear tags; it organized their transportation to temporary quarantine accommodation in Spuž; not small financial costs of their stay in Spuž (approx. 20.000 euros); carried out the procedure of determining the ownership of the captured livestock through a public advertisement..."

Komnenović pointed out that these activities were carried out in cooperation with the state inspection authorities, the Police Administration, local businesses, local communities, but that all this did not give lasting results and led to a systemically acceptable solution.

"I am aware that due to all of the above, and recognizing the seriousness of the problem, the Tivat Security Department sent a letter to the Minister of the Interior, Danilo Saranović, with a request that a decision be made in this connection at one of the next sessions of the Government on the possible execution of sanitary culls, or about some other measure that would effectively and permanently solve the problem, and for the benefit of the citizens of the Municipality of Tivat and all visitors to Tivat. The Municipality of Tivat strongly supports the sanitary culling initiative and is ready to support it with all available means," said Komnenović, underlining that the sanitary culling of semi-wild animals cattle that threaten people and property "in accordance with the legal regulations and based on the situation on the ground is the only effective way of fighting this phenomenon that threatens the health and safety of people."

"At the same time, we would send a clear message to all those who keep and keep livestock in completely inappropriate ways, that this is no longer possible. At the same time, support would be provided to all those citizens of Montenegro who engage in livestock farming in a prescribed, responsible and safe manner." , Komnenović pointed out, asking state officials to "stand up for solving this problem" and promised that they would have the support of the Municipality of Tivat at the local level.

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