Mrvaljević: We have big plans for the development and improvement of the State Archives

The Ministry of Culture and Media announced that the head of that department, Tamara Vujović, and the Mayor of Cetinje, Nikola Đurašković, visited the State Archives of Montenegro, which marked the beginning of "Archive Week".

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Detail during the visit, Photo: Ministry of Culture and Media
Detail during the visit, Photo: Ministry of Culture and Media
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

We have big plans for the development and improvement of the State Archives of Montenegro, Danilo Mrvaljević, director of that institution, announced today

The Ministry of Culture and Media announced that the head of that department, Tamara Vujović, and the Mayor of Cetinje, Nikola Đurašković, visited the State Archives of Montenegro, which marked the beginning of "Archives Week", a manifestation that aims to promote archival heritage and raise awareness of the importance of Archives. archival activities and materials.

Vujović said that "Neđelja arhiva" reminds us of the importance of preserving our past, of the wealth preserved by the archives, and of the dedicated work of all those who take care of the documents that bear witness to the Montenegrin historical heritage.

"I am particularly pleased with the large number of programs intended for pupils and students, as well as numerous exhibitions that will present everything that the employees of the archives do every day", Vujović pointed out.

Đurašković stated that the visibility of the archives and archival material they keep is of particular importance for the state and added that the Capital is available at full capacity for cooperation on joint projects.

The announcement states that Mrvaljević introduced the program of this year's manifestation "Neđelja arhiva" to the attendees and expressed his satisfaction with the results achieved in the previous year.

"We have big plans for the development and improvement of the State Archives of Montenegro, and the support of the Ministry and the capital is of great importance to us," stated Mrvaljević.

The Ministry of Culture and Media said that in the period from the end of May to the first Sunday of June, the State Archives of Montenegro organizes the traditional event "Archive Week" every year with numerous activities throughout the country.

"This manifestation is held with the aim of promoting archival heritage and raising awareness of the importance of Archives, archival activities and archival materials, priceless treasures kept in the State Archives of Montenegro," the announcement concludes.

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