Values ​​fostered by Domačka trgovina

Employees are the most importantreaper a link of business that cannot be done without

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Photo: Domestic store
Photo: Domestic store
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The domestic store has been operating for years with firm respect for the company's values, for which it is known to partners and consumers. The company emphasizes the values ​​by which they are guided, namely courage, responsibility, integrity and fairness, optimism and teamwork, and they integrate them daily in their work and through interaction with others. In addition, the company selflessly invests in employees every day as the most valuable business resource with the aim of making them satisfied and progressing in their careers, providing them with stability and a sense of security, listening to their wishes and needs.

Jasmina Marković
Jasmina Marković photo: Domestic store

Constant investments in employees and their education

The personal development plan of each employee is supported by the company and stimulated through mentoring to build a career and progress. As a result of such an approach, the company has produced many great people who are in management positions today, and their initial positions were in retail or administration.

One of them is Jasmina Marković, the head of accounting, who proudly points out: "Today, I work as the head of accounting and I have never calculated in my work and I did not count working hours, but achieved goals." This is because I know that with the sum of our key values, a good result cannot be missing".

By providing employees with numerous benefits, the domestic trade stimulates them to give their best in their work. There is a pleasant atmosphere in the collective and everyone works as one family, because the members of the collective feel valued and sure that they will find support in the company's auspices when they need it.

More vacation days and gifts for schoolchildren

Every year, based on an employee satisfaction survey, the company receives answers about their wishes and needs, and among them are additional vacation days. Benefits are an important part of business, because they stimulate employees, and Domača trgovina invests a lot in them because they believe that the mood that employees bring to work is important, as well as their satisfaction, because it directly relates to productivity.

Special attention is paid to the children of the employees, so every year the top students receive a valuable gift from the company along with good wishes for the beginning of the school year. Special days are also intended for the youngest during the year when, through games and competitions, it is pointed out to them how important it is to cultivate healthy habits, take care of themselves, love themselves and protect their health, all with an emphasis on healthy eating, sports activities, painting , other hobbies and of course socializing.

Solidarity Fund - humanity in action

One of the many benefits offered by Domača trgovina is the Solidarity Fund. It was founded by employees and aims to show humanity, provide support and help to colleagues when they need that help, which is the basis for building mutual trust, a sense of security and the belief that every member of the collective is important. By creating the Solidarity Fund, a voluntary fund for employees in the Domestic Trade, humanity and care for each other is nurtured.

Jelena Otašević
Jelena Otaševićphoto: Domestic store

Career advancement, part of everyday life

At the Domača trgovina company, it is important how the employees feel and what they have to say, whether they are satisfied and what they want to change, which contributes to them experiencing work as a second home where they have support and security. "At Aroma Markets, each of us says what we mean and delivers what we promise. It's a responsibility towards others," says Jelena Otašević, manager of the retail store. She started her career as an exhibitor, but her ambition and desire to progress showed that anything is possible.

Many young people started their first working days in Aroma, City and Conto markets and did not think that the Domača trgovina would enable them to develop their career and top positions. Their courage, responsibility, teamwork, fairness, integrity and optimism are the values ​​they developed and which led them to success. It's no secret that a career depends on each individual, but also a lot on the company's support. Get to know the unique values ​​that the employees have in the Domača tradjo on the website