The leader of the Budva Democrats, Krsto Radović, announced that he will file a criminal complaint due to the intention of the Ministry of Spatial Planning, Urbanism and State Property to allow the construction of a concrete complex in the Skočiđevojka location.
He pointed out that he will ask the parliamentary club of Democratic Montenegro to initiate a control hearing of Minister Janko Odović, with the message that "pure insolence and corruption" are at work.
"A little more than six years ago, when during the time of Minister Pavle Radulović, spatial planning competences were taken away from local self-governments, I thought that a more malicious and worse minister than Mr. Bran Gvozdenović would never come. Unfortunately for me, as well as for all of us, I was wrong, because from 2020 onwards, when we expected real changes for which we fought with all our heart and strength, we had an even bigger setback. I simply don't know whether Minister Mitrović or Odović caused more damage. I will also emphasize that at a meeting of citizens I publicly said that whoever signs the consent to the scrounging and megalomaniacal project of Skočiđevojka is 'either crazy or took the money,'" wrote Radović on social network Facebook.
As he emphasized, "it was clear even then for the famous expert of the expert government, Ratko Mitrović, that he quickly 'became stupid'", which is why he filed a criminal complaint against him and "related persons who, quite clearly, benefited greatly from this business". .
"What can be said today about the actions of expert minister Odović. "Expertly" after the controversial Mia Investment affair comes Skočiđevojka. Sheretski, in his style, signs his consent from the floor and probably rubs his hands, satisfied with the serious appanage, because signing such a devastation of such a valuable space of a clear conscience is not possible, I guarantee that. I state that pure rudeness and corruption are at work! Or he is not in a clear consciousness and with a sane mind and with a clouded mind, he causes serious damage and irretrievably destroys the resource and steals it from future generations," he said.
"I will complete the criminal complaint because no conscientious individual should remain silent and on the sidelines, witnessing this shameful event! The corruption octopus does not rest and eats away at the system, but I tell them to keep their hands as far away from Budva as possible. I will propose to the Parliamentary Club of Democratic Montenegro to take action in order to organize a control hearing of Minister Odović, because this kind of attitude towards the common good and public interest must be stopped and clearly removed from anything that smells like a corruption affair", concluded Radović.
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