He will negotiate, but also block Sozina

The people of Crmnica agree to negotiate with Monteputo, but they will not give up the blockade on Sunday from 9 am to 12 pm

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From last week's blockade of Sozine, Photo: Marija Pešić
From last week's blockade of Sozine, Photo: Marija Pešić
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Representatives of Crmnica, four of them, met yesterday with the director of Monteput Milan Ljiljanić and his associates to discuss their demands regarding free passage through the Sozina tunnel, "Vijesti" learns.

They will agree to negotiate with that state-owned company, but they will not give up the blockade of the tunnel that they announced for Sunday from 12 a.m. to XNUMX p.m., they told the newsroom.

They accepted Monteput's offer to form a working group in which they, the management of that company and a representative of the Municipality of Bar will participate.

There were three representatives of the people of Crmni at the meeting who told Ljiljanić that they are willing to talk and work for the best possible implementation of the new Law on Roads, which will be voted on in the assembly, and which provides for free passage through the tunnel for the citizens of Bar who live north of the Sozine ramp . However, they say that they will not agree to temporary solutions, but only to legal regulation.

There were no representatives of the Municipality of Bar at the table, but Ljiljanić assured them that he was in communication with the president of that local government. Dušan Raičević. The Municipality did not answer questions about whether they would participate in the working group and who they would delegate for that job.

In the answer that Raičević sent to Monteputo, which "Vijesti" has access to, he welcomed the idea of ​​a systematic and comprehensive approach to solving these problems. He also advised which Crmnica residents from the Crmnica Local Community Council could be members of the working group and suggested that two members of the group of citizens who raised these issues be included in the work.

The representatives of Crmnica said that they will not give up their demands and that they will organize blockades until they are fulfilled. In the letter they sent to Monteput, they demand a permanent solution to pass through the tunnel for men and women from Crmničan, social responsibility towards the local community, which will be reflected in the investment of funds for the development and support of the local population and the employment of Crmničan people.

"At the conclusion of yesterday's meeting with the administration of Monteputo, the organizers of the protest and the initiators of the initiative expressed their readiness to urgently start a detailed analysis in the working group and solve the problem today, however, apart from the confirmation in the email by which the Municipality responds to Monteputo regarding the working group, no concrete steps have been taken today was. We expected, given the importance and urgency of this issue, that the Municipality, in coordination with the Monteput company, would organize a meeting already today, but that did not happen and no one invited us".

In the conclusions of yesterday's meeting with the administration of Monteputo, the organizers of the protest and the initiators of the initiative from Crmnica expressed their readiness to urgently start a detailed analysis in the working group and solve the problem on the same day.

They told "Vijesti" that apart from the confirmation in the email by which the Municipality of Bar responds to "Monteput" regarding the working group, there were no concrete steps the day after the meeting.

"We expected, considering the importance and urgency of this issue, that the Municipality of Bar, in coordination with the Monteput company, would organize a meeting already today, but that did not happen and no one invited us," they said.

At the session of the Parliament of Montenegro, which was held on Tuesday, a review was carried out of the proposal on amendments to the Law on Roads, which mandates that free passage would be granted to those who reside in the territory of the municipality of Bar and live in the place of residence in the territory of the municipality north of the toll plaza up to the borders municipalities of Budva, Cetinje, Ulcinj and Zeta, as well as vehicles whose owners reside on the territory of the municipality, and live on the south side but are employed by employers who have premises on the north side, as well as vehicle owners who live on the south side but have real estate on the north side.

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