On the records of the Labor Bureau in Mojkovac, there are 227 persons with disabilities (PWD), while only 32 persons are employed.
Unemployment is the biggest problem of PWDs in that municipality, it was stated in the draft of the Local Action Plan (LAP) in the area of disability. Difficulties faced by PWDs include discrimination in accessing facilities and areas in public use, insufficient services, lack of adapted transportation, insufficient information in Braille,
"In Mojkovac, there is no long-term solution for employment, instead PWDs are employed through projects and public works for a shorter period of time, and therefore they cannot permanently solve their existential issues. One of the problems is that the local administration and other institutions do not employ PWDs, in order to set an example to employers from the business sector, whose response to employment is also weak. On the other hand, PWDs who are not able to work do not have sufficient support from institutions and services, so they are left to their families and locked up in their homes", is the conclusion of the LAP draft.
In the draft document, they remind that the Law on Professional Rehabilitation defines a quota system of employment, that is, the obligation of the employer to employ a certain number of PWDs in accordance with the total number of employees. If they do not do so, according to the law, employers are obliged to pay a special contribution for professional rehabilitation and employment of PWDs.
"Despite this, the effect in practice is still less than expected... The cooperation of the local government with employers is not at an enviable level, there are no meetings with employers, and the local government does not provide assistance to NGOs, PWD organizations that employ people with disabilities," the draft LAP reads. -a.
The document also contains a detailed analysis of public facilities and areas of (in)accessible PWD. Thus, this category of Mojkovo women and men cannot, for example, go to the pharmacy, the Health Fund, a part of the elementary school, the police, the kindergarten, the Labor Bureau, the Municipal Enterprise, the Tourist Organization... Almost all Mojkovo hotels, the Church of the Nativity, the market, two markets, restaurants...
Failure to provide conditions for unimpeded access, movement, stay and work in public facilities and in spaces and areas of public use for PWDs, the authors of the LAP remind, is considered discrimination on the basis of disability. One of the conclusions is that it is necessary to raise the level of awareness in relation to PWDs, which, as stated in the document, is now at a very low level among citizens of Mojkovac.
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