The Montenegrin Electric Distribution System (CEDIS) called on investors to respect the cadastre of underground installations, saying that since the beginning of the summer tourist season, there have been more than 20 cable failures in Tivat, and that some of them were caused by negligent work by third parties.
They stated in the statement that the electricity distribution network continues to suffer due to unscrupulous investors.
"At the end of the month, more precisely on October 30, in the early morning hours there was an outage of the 35 kV cable line 'KB 35 kV Tivat 110-Tivat (Tivat 1)' in Tivat. Given the importance of the cable for powering the entire Municipality, a team was engaged Testing service in TS 35/x kV cables of CEDIS which immediately started activities to find the exact location of the fault determined that one of the cores of the cable was damaged by a third party".
Immediately after the location of the fault was identified, they added, additional teams were engaged, in order to repair the damage as soon as possible.
"After the repairs, later in the night hours KB 35kV Tivat 1 fails again, and then KB 35kV Tivat 3 takes over the entire consumer load. The next morning, the team on duty replaced the faulty third core with a correct spare when both cables were energized. After locating the fault, the team went to the field yesterday on November 05.11.2024, 35 and started the removal work problems on the now disconnected third core of the 1kV cable line Tivat XNUMX."
CEDIS emphasizes that since the beginning of the summer tourist season, more precisely from May 24 to yesterday, November 5, there were more than 20 failures on the 35kV "Tivat 1" and "Tivat 3" cables, where some of them were caused by negligent work by third parties.
"Also, in addition to cable breaks, areas where work is being carried out (construction of collective housing facilities and road infrastructure) are also characterized by partial damage, as a result of which there is no interruption in the power supply at the moment of damage, but later in cases of greater load on the network. So, when electricity consumption suddenly increases, but also when moisture penetrates damaged areas of the cable line (due to heavy rainfall), 'latent damage' is activated and major malfunctions occur, the repair of which takes time and significant financial resources".
They say that CEDIS analyzes show a higher frequency of interruptions in periods of higher load, precisely in zones that are characterized by the construction of residential buildings, road infrastructure and the like.
"The substation from which Tivat is supplied is TS 35/10kV 'Tivat', and it receives electricity from TS 110/35 kV 'Tivat (Gradiošnica)' via two 35kV cable lines 'Tivat 1' and 'Tivat 3'. Cable route consists of seven cable cores laid in the same trench Gradiošnica-Tivat-Opatovo (due to the threat of the route), the mentioned energy cable represents the only connection that is of vital importance for powering users from the territory of the municipality of Tivat."
Also, according to CEDIS, the mentioned cable route was "in several places (was) threatened by unscrupulous investors and construction contractors", and in those places the operational team of the Sector intervened several times to eliminate CEDIS faults, and all of them were threatened places regularly reported to the Electric Power Inspection.
"We repeat, any damage to the cable, in addition to causing an interruption in the electricity supply, leaves lasting consequences and causes its reduced reliability, regardless of the interventions of our teams. The Montenegrin electric distribution system has countless times called on citizens to be careful and appealed to a high degree of responsibility on the part of investors in the area of construction works, and this time too, we invite all investors to respect the cadastre of underground installations and to call our competent services in case of any doubts, so that all dilemmas on the spot removed," the announcement reads.
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