Nothing from pellets for the citizens of Pljevlja

After the new cancellation of the tender, the need ceased, and the money will be diverted for other purposes

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One of the earlier deliveries of pellets, Photo: Goran Malidžan
One of the earlier deliveries of pellets, Photo: Goran Malidžan
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The municipality of Pljevlja canceled for the second time in less than two months the tender for the purchase of pellets, which was supposed to be delivered to citizens at subsidized prices.

The estimated value of the public procurement, which was announced at the end of January, was 647.536 euros for 2.300 tons of pellets.

As one of the reasons, the Municipality cited the delay in the procurement process due to five reported appeals, which is why the process was not completed even ten months after the announcement.

"The fact that the majority of citizens who burn pellets, using a much reduced price compared to the offered tender prices, purchased them at their own expense because they could not wait for the end of the procedure, and the heating season lasts from mid-September. If the client were to conclude a contract for the supply of pellets, he would have to take over the entire contracted amount of 2.300 tons of pellets, with the uncertainty that he would realize it because the citizens had already provided the necessary amount for themselves. All this would cause additional, unplanned costs for the customer. Bearing in mind all these reasons, if the goods were provided on another basis, the need for this type of public procurement has ceased and in the current calendar and budget year, the subject procurement will not be carried out, and the planned funds will be redirected to other priority projects from the capital budget. The Commission for the Implementation of the Public Procurement Procedure did not re-examine, evaluate and evaluate the bids, but in accordance with Article 140, Paragraph I, Item 6 of the Law on Public Procurement, proposed to the authorized person of the contracting authority to make a decision on the cancellation of the public procurement procedure", it is stated in the explanation of the decision on the cancellation of the public procurement procedure, which was signed by the Secretary for Communal-Housing Affairs, Transport and Water, Vula Macanović.

Dissatisfied bidders can file a complaint with the Commission for the Protection of Public Procurement Procedure Rights.

The commission recently adopted the appeal of the Bjelopol company "Mikro-Mont" and annulled the decision of the Secretariat for housing and communal affairs, traffic and water from the Municipality of Pljevlja dated September 30, on the annulment of the procedure for the public procurement of pellets.

The municipality canceled that tender with the explanation that no bidder submitted a correct offer.

The process of purchasing pellets is delayed this year, even though the Municipality announced a tender in January due to a large number of reported complaints from bidders, so citizens are forced to purchase this energy source themselves.

The Municipality announced that starting next year, they will subsidize 50 percent of the price of pellets with attached invoices to citizens who purchased pellets themselves.

Citizens are entitled to two tons of pellets at subsidized prices.

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