The public debate on the Draft Spatial Planning Program of the Municipality of Tivat for 2025 begins

According to the draft, during the next year, the local administration of Tivat will invest a total of 22.131.650 euros in all aspects of the city's development through the construction of new communal infrastructure of public facilities.

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Photo: Municipality of Tivat
Photo: Municipality of Tivat
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The public hearing on the Draft Spatial Planning Program for the Municipality of Tivat for 2025 began yesterday and will last for 15 days, ending on December 18.

According to the Draft established by the President of the Municipality Željko Komnenović, the local administration of Tivat during the next year will invest a total of 22.131.650 euros in all aspects of the development of the city through the construction of new communal infrastructure of public facilities.

Of that, 15,13 million is planned to be invested directly from the Municipality's budget, and another 7 million from a loan from the German kFW bank intended for the construction of water and sewage infrastructure. The draft foresees the amount of two million euros for the tasks of solving property issues, while funds in the amount of 752.650 euros are planned for the preparation of project-technical documentation for the next year.

In addition to the sotalog, the plan includes the development of the main project for the arrangement of the square and open-air market in the center of the city, the development of the project for roads in Mrčevac (S7), Gornji Kalimanje (S47), Tomičići, the project for the road Pod Kuk - Seljanovo and the bridge connecting Gradiošnica. and Kavač. Among other things, the Spatial Planning Draft plans to create the main project for the building of the police and fire station, as well as the creation of a GIS.

More than five million euros will be directed to the construction of numerous infrastructure projects: Phase IV of the Belani Promenade (800.000 euros), further investments in sports infrastructure in the total value of 150.000 euros, further works on the arrangement of the Great City Park in the amount of 250.000 euros. 400.000 euros have been set aside for equipping the anchorage for yachts in the Tivat Bay, i.e. the new marina for communal moorings at Seljanova.

In accordance with the Plan of Spatial Development Program, the Municipality will work on the construction of toll plazas in Donja Lastva, Mažina, Ruljina, Mrčevac, Gornji Kalimanje. The plan also includes a 250.000-euro renovation of the main square in Radovići. The total value of the planned works on roads in Tivat amounts to 4,46 million euros.

The plan includes further work on the adaptation and modernization of streets (500.000 euros), concreting of streets in several locations (270.000 euros), reconstruction of lighting and its extension to several locations in the city (225.000 euros), rehabilitation of facades of residential buildings (100.000 euros), but and works on the decoration of the atrium of the Buća-Luković complex and the Summer Stage.

9.181.000 euros will be invested in the reconstruction and expansion of the water supply and sewerage network, and work will be carried out in Radovići, Pod kuku, Mažina... Further activities are planned for the installation of a submarine pipeline for water supply to the island of Our Lady of Mercy.

The bearers of the activities foreseen in the Spatial Planning Program are the Directorate for Investments, the Directorate for Property and Legal Affairs and the Secretariat for Spatial Planning of the Municipality of Tivat. The central public hearing, i.e. a round table with citizens, will be held on Thursday, December 12, in the multimedia hall of the Municipality of Tivat, starting at 16 p.m.

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