Patient AA was treated according to the rules of the profession, the complications that existed were resolved and she was discharged for further home treatment. The newborn is in good general health, the Clinical Center of Montenegro (KCCG) announced in connection with the case of the mother Asmira Aljošević from Bar, who spent almost three months in the KCCG after giving birth in the Bar hospital.
"Regarding the recent announcements related to the case of patient AA, and appreciating the inseparability of primary, secondary and tertiary health care in Montenegro, we consider ourselves obliged to, in the capacity of the holder of the tertiary level of health services, provide an in-merit clarification on the level of health services, which in this particular case was provided to the patient", KCCG announced.
Summarizing the treatment procedure, as they stated, the patient was admitted to GAK KCCG after a caesarean section procedure at the gynecology department of the Bar General Hospital with complications that are possible and recognized after such an intervention.
It is a common practice that in situations that cannot be resolved in secondary health care institutions, patients are referred to KCCG, as the only tertiary institution in Montenegro, they pointed out.
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