Steiner: Montenegro's responsible approach contributes to preserving the stability of migration flows in the region

Steiner, as announced by the Ministry of the Interior (MUP), pointed out that Austria sees Montenegro as a leader of European integration in the Western Balkans and that it will continue to provide strong support for its European path.

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Šaranović and Štajner, Photo: MUP
Šaranović and Štajner, Photo: MUP
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The responsible approach of Montenegro contributes to preserving the stability of migration flows in the region, said the Austrian Ambassador Kristijan Steiner in a conversation with the Minister of the Interior, Danilo Šaranović.

Steiner, as announced by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MUP), pointed out that Austria sees Montenegro as a leader of European integration in the Western Balkans and will continue to provide strong support for its European path.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs said that Steiner praised the professionalism and commitment of the Police Directorate in the protection of state borders and the fight against illegal migration.

"He particularly pointed to the responsible approach of Montenegro, which contributes to preserving the stability of migration flows in the region," the announcement states.

Šaranović thanked Steiner for the consistent support that Austria provides to Montenegro, especially in the field of security.

He pointed out that this cooperation represents a strong foundation for strengthening bilateral relations and joint action in solving regional and global challenges.

The announcement states that Saranović presented the key priorities of the MUP to Steiner, particularly emphasizing the successes in the fight against organized crime.

Those results, as he pointed out, testify to the significant reforms implemented in the security sector, which position Montenegro as a credible and reliable partner on the international stage.

Saranović informed Steiner that the Rulebook on internal organization and systematization was adopted on Thursday, the aim of which is to strengthen capacities in the fight against all forms of crime, with a special focus on organized crime and high-level corruption.

"It was confirmed on both sides that the continuation of intensive cooperation between Montenegro and Austria remains a priority, especially in the segments related to strengthening security, improving the rule of law and accelerating European integration," the statement added.

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