Rakčević: Inspection to investigate who is responsible for felling the cypress, Odović's GDA approved the preliminary solution

"If there have been brutal omissions, intentional or not, we will demand the responsibility of the auditor, the former Chief State Architect, as well as the ministers who allowed the destruction of the environment in our city," Rakčević said.

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Rakčević, Photo: Civil movement URA
Rakčević, Photo: Civil movement URA
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Although the capital city has no jurisdiction regarding the catastrophic cutting of cypresses in Zagorič, we have analyzed the decisions of the Ministry that led to yesterday's ecocide and we are asking the construction inspection to investigate all the circumstances and determine responsibility, announced the deputy mayor of Podgorica and candidate for mayor of the list "Jakov Milatović - For a better Podgorica" ​​in the recently reflected local elections Luka Rakčević.

Rakčević, in a statement delivered by the Citizens' Movement URA, emphasized that the Ministry issued UT conditions for this residential and commercial building (gross area 11,856.88 m2) on February 27, with the clear condition that the existing high greenery must be "preserved as much as possible", while the same , as well as the current DUP, it is also prescribed that "the existing greenery must be preserved and refined to the maximum".

"Despite these clear conditions, Odović's (Janko Odović, former Minister of Spatial Planning, Urbanism and State Property) Chief State Architect (GDA) gave consent to the preliminary design on July 17, and Radunović's Ministry approved the construction application on October 04." Rakčević pointed out.

Rakčević went on to point out that it is precisely because of this that it is difficult to believe that the conceptual solution and the main project of the mentioned building could have been in accordance with the issued UT conditions, because as he says, yesterday the existing greenery was not preserved and refined, but completely cut down, and for that reason requests that the building inspectorate conduct an inspection and inform the public of its findings.

"If there were brutal omissions, intentional or not, we will demand the responsibility of the auditor, the former Chief State Architect, as well as the ministers who allowed the destruction of the environment in our city," said Rakčević.

"In addition, these events bring to life anew the story that has been told a thousand times about the need to adopt the Spatial Planning Law, which has been ready in the parliamentary procedure for two years, and which powers are returned to local self-governments, so that such and similar things do not happen. Although both sets of the Ministry publicly promised the adoption of that law, even today we do not have any activities on that front, which maintains the status quo and preserves the inherited, catastrophic plans, which destroy both Podgorica and Montenegro," he concluded. Rakčević.

More than a dozen pines and cypresses were cut down yesterday on the site of the former military barracks across from "City Quay" in the Zagorič neighborhood of Podgorica.

On this occasion, the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Northern Development announced yesterday that a business building with an area of ​​less than 1.000 square meters is planned on the site of the former military barracks in Zagorič and is not subject to the obligation to carry out an environmental impact assessment.

The civil movement URA, the party of which Rakčević is an official, condemned yesterday the mass cutting of pines and cypresses.

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