The ODT is checking allegations of harassment of the student

"With a full understanding of the seriousness and possible consequences of endangering the rights of a child, we encourage all minors, as well as their parents, to report to the State Prosecutor's Office any suspicion of a criminal offense against a child"

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Photo: Luka Zeković
Photo: Luka Zeković
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The Basic State Prosecutor's Office ordered the officers of the Police Administration to urgently collect all information regarding the events in the Gymnasium "Slobodan Škerović" in Podgorica, in order to take all legally prescribed measures and actions in the specific case.

"On the occasion of the information about the inappropriate behavior of the teaching staff towards the students and calls for the reaction of the State Prosecutor's Office, it is noted that the State Prosecutor's Office acts in all cases where it is aware that there is a suspicion that a criminal offense has been committed, which is being prosecuted ex officio" is stated in the announcement of the VDT- a.

They add that they are dedicated to a "thorough investigation of all the circumstances of each case of reported unacceptable behavior."

"In this sense, we invite and expect all institutions whose competence is to prevent violations of the law from occurring, and which have a key role in the early recognition of inappropriate behavior, to promptly investigate every individual case that may indicate a criminal offense committed against a child informs the State Prosecutor's Office, whose reaction will be timely and in accordance with the law. Škerović" in Podgorica, in order to take all legally prescribed measures and actions in the specific case," it was announced.

The VDT points out that, with a full understanding of the seriousness and possible consequences of endangering the rights of children, they encourage all minors, as well as their parents, to report to the State Prosecutor's Office any suspicion of a criminal offense to the detriment of a child.

"The professional service of the Supreme State Prosecutor's Office helps prosecutors to adapt the criminal procedure to the child, his abilities and needs. The State Prosecutor's Office calls on all relevant institutions for close cooperation and timely sharing of information, so that together, within the scope of our competences, we can ensure a safe environment for all schoolgirls and students and protected their rights," the announcement concludes.

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