Vujisić: Vučurović lost my respect, I came to her so that she would protect her students, not me

"He didn't wake up that day and decide to be like that towards me. According to all human logic, there must be at least one other girl who was at school at the time to whom he wrote the same things."

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Photo: Screenshot/Instagram
Photo: Screenshot/Instagram
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Former student of "Slobodan Škerović" High School, Sara Vujisić, said that the director of that institution, Biljana Vučurović, lost all respect for her after today's press conference.

"After the press, I don't know what to say, and I have to say shame on her. I lost all respect for her," Vujisić said.

Vujusić also commented on the fact that Vučurović said at today's conference, among other things, that she did not have the support of her father and that she regrets that they did not react together.

"Absolutely every sentence to my dad was a lie. When I went to see her it was the morning after those messages happened and I didn't tell my dad - because he would have most likely reacted like every other dad who contacted me in the last three day and said 'if it was my daughter I would do this, this and that'. I didn't really want to visit my father in prison," Vujisić said in a video posted on Instagram.

She also explained why she didn't tell her father everything right away.

"When I came to her, I told her that my dad doesn't know yet because I needed some time to figure out how to tell my father in the most neutral way possible, without him reacting as any parent would react to their parental instinct. No I know where you have the nerve to say that and to stand behind that claim," Vujisić said in response to Vučurović's allegations that she was in front of witnesses, saying that she was afraid of the reaction of her parents - the father.

She asked Vučurović how she knew that she did not have the support of her parents and added that things would not have been different.

"Because, as I said, I didn't plan to sue him. I didn't sue him because I'm not interested. I went to you to protect your students. He didn't wake up that day and decide to be like that to me. By all human logic there must be at least one other girl who was in school at the time to whom he wrote the same things," said Vujisić.

She added that Vučurović advised her to protect herself legally, but that she refused.

"I did not feel threatened because I no longer went to that school. I knew that there was no situation in which he (Radoman Čečović) could be near me where I could be potentially threatened," Vujisić said.

She pointed out that she went to Vučurović not to protect her - but her students.

She said that Vučurović contacted her in December after she learned that she had punished Čečović by deducting 30 percent of his salary.

"I told her that I was not satisfied with her reaction, that I had learned of two or three cases of girls who are currently students and who are uncomfortable in his lectures and who have to bring sweatshirts and cover up because he is measuring them. She said that I was invited to I report it to the Ministry and the competent institutions, so that I can provide them with all the evidence and that I can come to her for an interview tomorrow about it and to report him for one reason or another - because they were afraid, because they knew that I reported it and that you (Vučurović) did nothing," stated Vujisić.

She pointed out that it takes a lot of courage, poise and rationality to come forward with your name and surname in public.

"What I have done now in the last three days, I would not have had the strength and intelligence to do three years ago. Those girls were in first and second grade, that is 15, 16 years old. I did not go because - what should I do with the messages for I can't say who and what he is," Vujisić said.

She also commented on the fact that Vučurović said that she would come to the protest on Friday.

"Biljana, I can tell you that when you said that you would protest with us, you played with words a little - we are protesting so that you would resign," concluded Vujisić.

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