Principal of "Slobodan Škerović" Gymnasium Biljana Vučurović she knew that proceedings were being held at the school against another teacher for allegedly inappropriate behavior towards a student, while she explained at the press conference on Monday why they had been silent for three years about lascivious phone messages with sexual connotations from another teacher towards a former high school student.
The Center for Investigative Journalism (CIN CG) recently published an article in which, among other things, they mention the case of the teacher R. Č. who sent inappropriate messages to his recent student.
A few days later, Vučurović explains in front of journalists why the case was kept "in his house" for three years and what was done about it, practically claiming that the administration was not to blame, but also that the teacher continued to work with the children, despite this. that they "disgusted with his act" at school.
A few hours later, yesterday morning, the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation informed the public and prosecutors about the existence of another similar case.
The professor of the same educational institution has been under investigation by the Basic State Prosecutor's Office (ODT) for a possible criminal offense since yesterday.
Newsroom sources from the school claim that the administration knew about the new case since the end of last week, and that the disciplinary procedure was initiated over the weekend. The decision on temporary removal from the school was reportedly typed a day later.
According to the knowledge of "Vijesti", the Education and Labor Inspectorate will check the legality of the actions of the management of the Podgorica Gymnasium in both cases.
Vučurović answered the questions of "Vijesti" after the publication of this article, saying that the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation was informed on their side that a case of inappropriate addressing of a professor to a minor student via a Viber group message was reported on Friday evening.
"After learning about the case, a warning was sent to the professor about the existence of a reason to impose a measure for violating the work obligation. Until the disciplinary procedure is completed, the measure of temporary removal of the employee from work was imposed. In the disciplinary procedure, the professor is charged with addressing inappropriate words to students of the 2nd grade." , stated the director of the Podgorica High School.
She announced on Monday that Professor R. Č. "due to mental and physical suffering" on sick leave.
"You saw that the targets were drawn in the previous days. Along with the others, I am also a target," Vučurović said at the time.
She emphasized that professor R. Č. On August 28, 2020, he was "taken over from the secondary vocational school in Bijelo Polje", and that he was employed by the former director Zoja Bojanić Lalović.
In relation to the report of the former student, Vučurović said that she "advised her to contact the authorities, to protect her rights", but that she refused.
She explained that that teacher was fined, after admitting that he had written inappropriate messages to a former student. His statement was given to journalists that day for inspection, and in it, among other things, it is written that the teacher saw everything as a "game", a "careless game with language". R. Č. he admits that he "made a mistake".
"...So, to the above-mentioned former student, whose complaint you informed me verbally, I owe first of all a huge apology", it is stated, among other things, in the statement, which Vučurović showed to journalists the day before yesterday.
R. Č. he also admits that "he has sinned against teacher ethics and that he is aware of it...", the statement says.
The director of the Gymnasium said two days ago that she did not have the legal possibility that R. Č. sanctions other than money. She did not want to specifically answer the question of whether she was comfortable working with the disputed professor.
"You don't have to have contact with everyone at school," claims Vučurović and points out that he feels "great disgust" for the professor's rank.
Vučurović repeated several times that other students did not complain to her, but she did not want to answer the question of "Vijesti" whether and how she can guarantee that the students are safe when it comes to R. Č.
It was announced yesterday that the institution of the Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms is also dealing with the actions of the authorities in these cases.
The council of parents of that school in Podgorica came to the conclusion on Monday evening that R. Č. he no longer has a place in that institution, and as it was announced, that body supported the administration and the teaching staff "to implement preventive and regular measures that would recognize and prevent similar incidents in the first place".
Minister of Education, Science and Innovation Anđela Jakšić-Stojanović she announced yesterday that "as a parent and educator, she is disturbed by the content of the correspondence of the professor of the Podgorica Gymnasium, which was addressed to a former student".
"As a citizen, I share the impression of the general Montenegrin public. As the Minister of Education, Science and Innovation, after learning about the correspondence, I immediately asked the school administration for all the documentation related to the mentioned subject, which the relevant ministry did not have. After a detailed analysis, we submitted the complete documentation to the Basic State Prosecutor's Office, with a request for urgent action, bearing in mind the seriousness of the situation in question," she said.
She emphasized that it is a matter of "serious concern" that the integrity of the profession has been violated.
"Regardless of the work of the law enforcement authorities, education must be responsible for preventing such and similar forms of inappropriate behavior by educators," she said.
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