MJU: Božović illegally dismissed Dokić and illegally appointed Jovanović

"The Ministry of Public Administration makes a recommendation to the President of the Municipality of Budva that, in view of the fact that the Decisions on the dismissal of the Vice-President from 02.12.2024 and the Decision on giving consent to the Decision on the appointment of the Vice-President of the Municipality of Budva from 02.12.2024 were not made in accordance with the Law on Local self-government, put it out of legal circulation", says the decision, which "Vijesti" had access to

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Dukaj, Photo: Bojana Ćupić/Government of Montenegro
Dukaj, Photo: Bojana Ćupić/Government of Montenegro
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.
Ažurirano: 13.12.2024. 10:17h

Illegal are the decisions of the detained president of the Municipality of Budva, Milo Božović, by which he dismissed Jasna Dokić from the position of vice-president, and then appointed Nikola Jovanović in her place.

This, "Vijesti" learns, was determined by the Ministry of Public Administration.

The department, which is headed by Maraš Dukaj, states that "the president of the municipality of Budva did not dismiss the vice-president in accordance with Article 68 paragraph 2 of the Law on Local Self-Government".

In the document that the editors had access to, it is also emphasized that "the president of the Municipality of Budva has the right to appoint the vice-president of the municipality, with the consent of the Assembly".

"The decision on giving consent to the decision on the appointment of the vice-president of the municipality of Budva, Nikola Jovanović, is not in accordance with Article 59 of the Law on Local Self-Government because the reasons why the failure to pass the decision would endanger the lives of citizens and property of greater value were not explained. Based on everything presented, the Ministry of Public Administration makes a recommendation to the President of the Municipality of Budva that, given the fact that the Decision on the dismissal of the Vice-President No. 01-104/24-2081/1 dated 02.12.2024. year and the decision on giving consent to the decision on the appointment of the vice-president of the municipality of Budva number 01-082/24-2083/3 dated 02.12.2024. were not adopted in accordance with the Law on Local Self-Government, it is excluded from legal circulation", the Ministry's decision states.

Dukaj announced on the X social network that the MJU established the facts of whether there were violations of the law in the municipality of Budva.

"We took the position that the mayor should correct mistakes in the decisions on the dismissal or appointment of the vice-president of the municipality. The current functional status of the mayor, as well as the conditions under which the dismissal and appointment of the vice-president can occur in a situation when the Assembly does not fulfill its functions, are another confirmation that a new law on local self-government should be adopted, as the MJU has already proposed. The MJU will always and only use its powers to ensure the rule of law and the realization of the interests of citizens in each municipality," he wrote Duke.

On Monday, the news asked the MJU whether the inspection was carried out and what was found, as well as when his department will schedule the constitutive session of the Budva parliament, but no answer has been given yet.

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