Residents of Moraček villages are desperate, wild pigs have damaged their properties, the Ministry is silent

The commission has not assessed the damage caused by wild boars in the villages of Morač for three months, and they no longer even respond to calls

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Wild pigs "ploughed" the fields and meadows, Photo: Private archive
Wild pigs "ploughed" the fields and meadows, Photo: Private archive
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Residents of Moraček villages, as they claim, have been waiting in vain for three months for the commission of the Ministry of Agriculture, which should determine the damage to private properties caused by wild pigs. During that time, they claim, the estates were additionally damaged, so the pigs, as Vasko Rakočević says, "just about entered people's houses".

According to him, the promises from the Ministry were that the neighbor would arrive in Morača at the end of summer, that is, at the beginning of autumn.

"Now I can't even reach the official Darko Stojanović, who is the contact in the Ministry and who is familiar with our problems, by phone. It doesn't answer anymore. I'm really desperate, because wild pigs are destroying our properties every day, they just didn't get into our houses. That is why I am determined not to allow members of the Hunting Society (LD) 'Manstir Morača' access to my property. This attitude of the competent department is a sign of total disregard for private property," says Rakočević.

Locals have reported the damage done to crops and properties by wild pigs several times before. They were not satisfied with the work and decisions of the competent commissions when it comes to determining compensation.

At the beginning of September, LD "Manastir Morača" told "Vijesta" that they are doing everything to help farmers from that part of the municipality of Kolasin. So the hunting season for that type of game started a month earlier, on September 1. The director of LD Rajko Medenica also explained that "in order to constructively solve the problem of damage caused by wild boars on farms, we are trying to find a way to establish funds from which one-time seasonal assistance would be paid to the owners of the Moračka region". The hunting society does not have the possibility for such help, because, as he claims, the money collected from the hunting fee is not even enough for the basic activity of the society.

According to him, claims that only wild boars from the Manastir Morača hunting grounds are causing damage to properties in Morača are unfounded. Medenica says that the wild boar is a "migratory animal, which can travel 30 kilometers in one night".

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