Prosecutors are measuring whether Vučurović is a threat

The husband of the director of the Gymnasium, before the protest, announced that those who attacked his family would be met "as the enemy has always been met".

The labor inspectorate notes that the procedure was carried out via e-mail, that a procedural element was missing...

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From last night's protest in front of the Podgorica Gymnasium, Photo: Marija Pešić
From last night's protest in front of the Podgorica Gymnasium, Photo: Marija Pešić
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The Podgorica Higher State Prosecutor's Office is determining whether there are elements of a criminal offense in yesterday's statement by New Serbian Democracy (NSD) deputy Jovan Vučurović, that institution told "Vijesti".

The current president of the Parliamentary Committee for Human Rights referred yesterday to the announcement by the Education Inspectorate that they will propose the dismissal of his wife - the director of the Podgorica Gymnasium, Biljana Vučurović, saying that those who "attacked" his family will be "welcomed the way an enemy has always been welcomed in Montenegro." , the hills, Krivošija, Stara Herzegovina...".

The educational inspection announced that it will propose the dismissal of Vučurović from the position of director of the "Slobodan Škerović" Gymnasium, emphasizing that she was wrong about the "Decision on Amendments to the Institution's Statute, which prescribes that the director undertakes measures to prevent and deal with cases of violence and vandalism in the school". after the report of a former student that professor R. Č. sends inappropriate messages.

"The Higher State Prosecutor's Office in Podgorica, within its jurisdiction, monitors and evaluates whether the statements and actions of any person contain essential features of a criminal offense under the jurisdiction of this prosecutor's office, so that if it judges that it is necessary to form a case regarding any case, the public will be informed in a timely manner", Lepa Medenica, head of the Higher State Prosecutor's Office, told "Vijesta".

MP Vučurović, as reported by the RTCG portal, said that "this is not a threat, but a response to a threat, a rule of life, a Montenegrin, mountain, Herzegovinian, Serbian tradition."

"And some obviously played well. Well, if they started, if they want someone's head, then they have to be ready for their sacrifice, because they attacked a woman who is a symbol of honor, a professional person who did everything according to the law, and who reborn that same gymnasium. Certainly, those who set out will be welcomed the way the enemy has always been welcomed in Montenegro, the hills, Krivošija, Old Herzegovina...", wrote Vučurović.

He said that "they believe in the institutions of the system, but when they fail, then self-defense and attack are a matter of duty and honor."

"Of course, as a father of two little girls, I express my sincere support and have deep sympathy for all the girls who were subjected to mistreatment by various rascals and there must be a severe punishment for such. The one who misused it for political purposes and to persecute another woman will get an answer. Let's see what the institutions say", concludes Vučurović.

The Center for Investigative Journalism of Montenegro recently published an article in which a case of inappropriate behavior by a professor of the Podgorica High School "Slobodan Škerović" towards a former student was mentioned in 2021.

Professor R. Č. sent inappropriate messages to a former student shortly after prom, who reported it to the school, explaining that he wanted to protect the other students. The school sanctioned him financially, and R. Č. confessed to everything three years ago, claiming that it was a "game".

Labor inspection: Illegal procedure carried out by e-mail

In its findings, the labor inspectorate states that the procedure was "conducted by email", more than 20 days after director Vučurović found out that R. Č. violated the work obligation.

"Namely, the responsible person found out about the violation of the work obligation on October 22, 10, and the procedure that was carried out was started via e-mail on November 2021, 11, where the statement of R. Č. to the allegations in which she is blamed for her actions, along with the allegations that she had previously informed him about all that orally (where she also gave on 11 December 2021 in a written statement submitted to the inspector, registered under school business number 11, by the director Biljana Vučurović stated that she had an oral conversation with R. Č. but there was no written trace until 12 either). Thus, the deadline of 2024 days has passed and it was only started in writing on the 4744th day from the day of application", specified the labor inspector.

He also emphasizes that the email does not contain complete personal data of the employee - the workplace to which he is assigned, the description and time frame of the breach of duty.

"The e-mail that was sent does not have the necessary elements, so in this regard it can be concluded that this part lacks a procedural element...", it was emphasized in the inspection report.

It is also emphasized that after the decision on the imposed measure is made, it becomes final and can be contested before the competent authority - the court.

"...Whose competence is to examine whether the decision was made in accordance with the positively valid regulations and whether the measure that was pronounced is adequate for the committed violation of the work obligation", it was concluded.

The educational inspection stated that "Vučurović, as the responsible person of the subject of supervision in connection with the situation in question, did not ensure the right of students, in accordance with Article 97, paragraph 1, point 8 of the General Law on Education and Upbringing and did not take measures to prevent and act in cases of violence vandalism at school".

"The named person did not submit a report to the school team even though she had information about the existence of suspicion of violence in the institution, which is confirmed by reviewing the submitted reports on the work of the school team for the period September 2021 - March 2022, as well as for the first and second classification periods 2022-2023 . year. Also, she did not make contact with other competent institutions (social protection, police, etc.), so she did not act in accordance with the instructions on the division of responsibilities and actions aimed at prevention in cases of violence and vandalism", it is stated, among other things, in the minutes of the Educational Inspection and points out that the director "did not act in accordance with the Code of Ethics, because the ethics committee did not give an opinion on the compliance of a certain action or behavior with the principles and rules of the Code of Ethics".

Minister of Education Anđela Jakšić-Stojanović previously announced that she would "act in accordance with the law".

"The voice of everyone they don't trust"

Several hundreds of citizens last night called for the dismissal of teacher R. Č. and the ban on working in educational institutions. It was also requested that the director herself resign.

Citizens carried banners that read: "There is no place for darkness in education", "Pedophiles are behind bars, not behind chairs", "Professors, come out, we are our own", "You are not alone", "Sexual harassment is not a play on words".

Director Biljana Vučurović offered support to the citizens who called her name in front of the school gate last night, but her offer was rejected. MP Jovan Vučurović asked the gathered "if there are any problems", saying that he will "solve them".

The organizers of the protest interpreted this as a threat, saying that they would inform the competent institutions about it.

"The only way forward is to be united in the fight against sexual harassment. That the professor be punished for sexual harassment, that he be banned from working in all institutions", said Kosta Mijušković, one of the organizers of the protest, stressing that there is no place for politics at the gathering.

He also said that "the director's duty was to immediately report the abuser".

"She has three days to declare her resignation. If he does not resign, we will see each other soon," he concluded.

During the protest, a message from a former student to whom R. Č. sent inappropriate messages, because, as she said, she could not come to Montenegro.

"This is the voice of every woman who has been told they don't believe her. When we live in a society where no one will take responsibility, then I will. This is the voice of all the boys and men who went through this and remained silent," said Vujisić.

Bonus video: