Athletes supported the group "Kamo Śutra?"

"With this letter and support for the students, we call on the heads of the institutions of the system whose responsibility is to take care of the safety of all our citizens to take responsibility for the omissions and insufficient professional engagement regarding the tragedies that befell our capital city"

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From one of the protests organized by the informal group of students "Kamo Śutra?", Photo: Boris Pejović
From one of the protests organized by the informal group of students "Kamo Śutra?", Photo: Boris Pejović
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

A total of 189 Montenegrin sportsmen and women supported the informal group of students "Kamo Śutra?" and their demands that the responsibility for the two mass murders that took place in Cetinje be fully clarified.

The letter of support of Montenegrin athletes was submitted by the group "Kamo Śutra?".

"We, athletes, sports workers, coaches, sports referees, selectors, national team members express our deepest condolences to the families of the victims from Cetinje with this letter. At the same time, we express our support for the informal student organization "Kamo Śutra?" and their requests to shed light on the responsibility for the two mass murders that took place in our Capital, Cetinje. With this letter and support, we call on students to take responsibility for the omissions and insufficient professional engagement regarding the tragedies that befell our capital city," the letter states.

The note states that this is the initial list.

"All interested athletes, sports workers, coaches, sports referees, selectors, national team members, who want to support the informal student organization "Kamo śutra", can do so by sending an email to: collective.", the announcement states


  1. Aleksa Jabučanin, sports worker;
  2. Aleksa Perišić, handball player;
  3. Aleksandar Saša Marković, former football referee;
  4. Aleksandra Martinović, fitness trainer;
  5. Alen Pepić, sports worker;
  6. Andrija Islamović, basketball player;
  7. Ante Tonko Miročević, former football representative and football coach;
  8. Antonio -Toni Petrović, former water polo representative and Olympian;
  9. Baćko Bratičević, motorist;
  10. Balša Radović, soccer player;
  11. Balša Radunović, volleyball player;
  12. Balša Radusinović, soccer player;
  13. Blažo M. Popović, former handball player and coach;
  14. Blažo P. Popović, former handball player;
  15. Bogdan Bogdanović, basketball player;
  16. Bogdan Petričević, handball player;
  17. Bojan Pavićević, soccer player;
  18. Božidar Bujiša, soccer player;
  19. Božo Brnović, handball player;
  20. Božo Đurišić, car driver;
  21. Božo Jablan, motorist;
  22. Branka Orović, former handball player;
  23. Branko Đurović, handball coach;
  24. Budimir Latković, volleyball coach
  25. Časlav Nikčević, car racing judge;
  26. Damjan Danilović, former water polo representative and Olympian;
  27. Danijel Furtula, Olympic athlete;
  28. Danilo Adžić, water polo player;
  29. Danilo Pajović handball player;
  30. Darko Brguljan, former water polo representative and Olympian;
  31. Darko Djurković, national handball player;
  32. Darko Pejović, handball national team player;
  33. Dejan Mijanović, driver;
  34. Dejan Popović, boxing coach;
  35. Dejan Vukčević, handball coach;
  36. Dejo Bulatović, car driver;
  37. Dijana Rastoder, former handball player;
  38. Đorđo Peruničić, handball player;
  39. Dragan Peraš, former soccer player and sports worker;
  40. Dragan Prle Radović, basketball coach;
  41. Dragan Ražnatović, football referee;
  42. Draško Brguljan, water polo representative and Olympian;
  43. Draško Kaluđerović, handball coach;
  44. Draško Mrvaljević, former national handball player;
  45. Đorđije Ražnatović, former soccer player;
  46. Đurđina Đina Jauković, national handball player and Olympian;
  47. Đuro Popović, motorist;
  48. Emir Bešlija, sports worker;
  49. Filip Borozan, handball player;
  50. Filip Kalačević, football player;
  51. Filip Popović, handball coach;
  52. Filip Racković, handball player;
  53. Filip Vujović, national team handball player;
  54. Gojko Ražnatović, football coach;
  55. Goran Lasica, former national team handball player;
  56. Goran Mijanović, driver;
  57. Goran Petrović, motorist;
  58. Goran Vučković, motorist;
  59. Igor Janković, former football referee;
  60. Igor Marković, former soccer player;
  61. Igor Novaković, former soccer player;
  62. Igor Vušurović, former volleyball national team member and Olympian;
  63. Igor-Gile Marković, former national team handball player;
  64. Itana Grbić, national handball player and Olympian;
  65. Ivan Banović, handball coach;
  66. Ivan Brnović, sports worker;
  67. Ivan Ćaćić, former handball player;
  68. Ivan Peraš, former soccer player;
  69. Ivan Tatar, soccer coach;
  70. Ivana Vujović, basketball coach;
  71. Janko Džima Kuzman, kickboxing coach;
  72. Jelena Martinović, former judoka;
  73. Jovan Jocko Marković, football coach;
  74. Jovan Perović, soccer coach;
  75. Jovan Perunović, automobile driver;
  76. Luka Drmac, soccer player;
  77. Luka Laličić, handball player;
  78. Luka Špadijer, motorist;
  79. Luka Vujović, national team handball player;
  80. Luka Vukićević, national handball player;
  81. Ljubko Spasić, former soccer player;
  82. Ljubo Bogdanović, former motorist;
  83. Maja Vicković, judo coach;
  84. Marija Marković, sports worker;
  85. Marko Dapčević, handball coach;
  86. Marko J. Marković, soccer player;
  87. Marko R. Martinović, handball coach;
  88. Marko Sekulić, basketball coach;
  89. Marko Simović, former national team handball player;
  90. Marko Ulićević, sports worker;
  91. Mašan Jovanović, basketball player;
  92. Mašan Vrbica, basketball player;
  93. Matija Pejović, soccer player;
  94. Mato Kiko Mrvaljević, former cyclist;
  95. Melić Fahrudin, former national team handball player;
  96. Milan Đuka Đukić, motorist;
  97. Milan Jakšić, motorist;
  98. Milan Miki Raičević, car driver;
  99. Milanka Šćepanović, former handball player;
  100. Milica Vujačić, basketball coach and former national team member of Montenegro;
  101. Milorad-Miro Vujošević, sports worker;
  102. Miloš Jabučanin, conditioning coach;
  103. Miloš Latković, basketball player;
  104. Miloš Lopičić, basketball player;
  105. Miloš Simović, former volleyball player;
  106. Miloš Stevović, former football player;
  107. Miloš Vulićević, handball coach;
  108. Milutin Đukanović, basketball player;
  109. Milutin-Djefi Vušurović, former car driver - European champion;
  110. Miodrag Stanojević handball player;
  111. Miodrag Stanojević, football coach;
  112. Mirko Damjanović, handball player;
  113. Mirko Penda, motorist;
  114. Mirko Proroković, basketball coach;
  115. Mirko Vičević, former water polo representative and Olympian;
  116. Mirko-Mićo Kapisoda, former car driver;
  117. Mladen Rakčević, former national handball player;
  118. Mojaš Radonjić, former soccer player;
  119. Nebojsa Boljević, car driver;
  120. Nenad Bukilica, sports worker in the automotive industry;
  121. Nenad-Pajo Brajušković, former soccer player;
  122. Nikola Draganić, soccer player;
  123. Nikola Lipovina, hand coach;
  124. Nikola Mijanović, car driver;
  125. Nikola Milanović, football coach;
  126. Nikola Parača, basketball player;
  127. Nikola -Puja Vujović, former national team handball player;
  128. Nikola Radnjić, motorist;
  129. Nikola Ratknić, basketball player;
  130. Nikola Tripković, soccer player;
  131. Nikola Vukić, handball player;
  132. Peđa Vujović, sports worker in the automotive industry;
  133. Perica Radonjić, sports worker in the automotive industry;
  134. Petar Jovanović, basketball coach;
  135. Petar Kapisoda, former national handball player and Olympian;
  136. Petar Kustudija, soccer player;
  137. Petar Pero Vujović, boxing coach;
  138. Petar Popović, basketball national team member;
  139. Petar Radoičić handball player;
  140. Petar Vujanović, former handball player;
  141. Rade Đurović, motorist;
  142. Radoje Vuković handball player;
  143. Rajko Popović, handball coach;
  144. Ranko Janković, sports worker;
  145. Ratko Djurković, former national handball player and Olympian;
  146. Ratko Marković, former handball player;
  147. Sava Nikčević, driver;
  148. Savo Vujović, handball player;
  149. Slobodan Borozan, sports worker;
  150. Slobodan Bulajić, handball player;
  151. Slobodan Perišić, soccer player;
  152. Snežana Damjanac, former national team handball player;
  153. Srđan Mrvaljević, former vice-champion of the world in judo;
  154. Sreten Mrvaljević, former basketball player;
  155. Stevan Vujović, national team handball player;
  156. Stevo Knežević, sports worker and judo coach;
  157. Tatjana Brnović, national handball player and Olympian;
  158. Tripo Pinjatić, driver;
  159. Vanja Mudreša, basketball coach and former member of the Montenegrin national team;
  160. Vasilije Ivančević, basketball player;
  161. Vasilije Jakšić, car driver, European champion from 2022;
  162. Vasilije Kaludjerović, national handball player;
  163. Vaso Ćeranić, handball coach;
  164. Veljko Uskoković, former water polo representative and Olympian;
  165. Vesko Krivokapić, basketball coach;
  166. Vesko Perović, motorist;
  167. Vesko Spasić, former soccer player;
  168. Vjekoslav Pasković, former water polo representative and Olympian;
  169. Vladan Tatar, football coach;
  170. Vladan Turčinović, basketball coach;
  171. Vladimir Burić, motorist;
  172. Vladimir Savićević, football coach;
  173. Vlado Boljević, motorist;
  174. Vlatko Mašanović, motorist;
  175. Vuk Latković, former handball player;
  176. Vuk Mrvaljević handball player;
  177. Vuk Pejović, sports journalist;
  178. Vuko Borilović, handball player;
  179. Vuko Borozan, national handball player;
  180. Vuko Vicković, soccer player;
  181. Marko Vukotić, coach;
  182. Vušurović Tatjana, sports worker;
  183. Zdravko Radić, former water polo representative and Olympian;
  184. Zoran Martinović, volleyball coach;
  185. Zoran Roganović, handball coach;
  186. Žarko Miranović, sports journalist;
  187. Željko Bato Banićević, former motorist;
  188. Željko Lučić, former soccer player and sports worker;
  189. Željko Ziko Petričević, former handball player.

Bonus video: