Nikšić: New parking spaces near the New Cemetery under Trebjes

"51 new parking spaces are planned, in addition to the existing 42," said the president of the Municipality of Nikšić, Marko Kovačević.

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The main town square in Nikšić, Photo: Shutterstock
The main town square in Nikšić, Photo: Shutterstock
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Work has begun on the expansion of the parking lot near the New Cemetery under Trebjes, in Nikšić.

"The works include: excavation, replacement of materials, backfilling, construction of hydrotechnical installations, installation of curbs, construction of sidewalks, green areas, installation of parking benches, installation of parking spaces, asphalting of the road, as well as resurfacing of the road in the existing parking lot. 51 new parking spaces are planned, in addition to the existing 42," said the President of the Municipality, Marko Kovačević.

According to him, the reconstruction of the basketball court in the yard of Elementary School "Milija Nikčević" in Kličevo began this year, and he says that the same pace of work will continue in the coming period.

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