The Municipality of Tivat will invest a total of 22.131.650 euros this year in the design, construction work or creation of other prerequisites for the construction of new communal infrastructure and public facilities.
This is stated in the Municipal Spatial Planning Program for 2025.
The activities envisaged by this Program will be financed from the city budget in the amount of 15.1341.650 euros (of which 6,26 million euros is expected revenue from utility bills), and seven million euros in long-term loans from the German Development Bank KfW (intended exclusively for the improvement of the water supply and sewage network).
The local administration will allocate two million euros for land expropriation. Ten items are planned for which private property should be expropriated, of which the largest single planned expenditure will be for the construction of the first phase of two new streets in the Ruljina settlement in Donja Lastva, for which half a million euros are planned.
752.650 euros have been allocated for the development of project and technical documentation. Of this amount, the largest amount, 150.000 euros, will go to the development of the Municipal Geographic Information System, while the Municipality will allocate 80.000 euros for the development of the main project for the Fire Station and Police Station.
In order to alleviate one of the biggest problems, traffic jams, the Municipality will invest 13 euros this year through 4.467.000 projects for the construction of new streets and other roads, or the reconstruction of several smaller bridges. A total of 26 euros has been allocated for a total of 2025 projects for the reconstruction of existing or the construction of new public facilities, or various other investments in municipal infrastructure during 5.731.000. Among the projects are the continuation of the construction of the lungo mare promenade in Belani, for which 800.000 euros will be allocated, the adaptation and modernization of existing streets in the city, for which half a million euros have been allocated, the implementation of the project for the development of a new city marina with communal moorings for local boats in Seljanovo, for 400.000 euros, and conservation works on the tower of the Buća-Luković summer house with the ground-level arrangement of the summer house atrium for 156.000 euros.
The majority of the capital budget this year will be invested in water supply and sewage infrastructure, for which the Land Development Program for 2025 has allocated a total of 9.181.000 euros. Of this, 7 million will be spent on the construction of the sewage and water supply network in Donja Lastva, and 1,6 million euros on the new sewage and water supply infrastructure in Radovići.
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