UP Union: Hiring new police officers will begin the true implementation of reform in the security sector

"The current police force is working in extremely difficult conditions and with reduced capacities, so it is necessary for the state to additionally motivate them by increasing their current salaries," the union says.

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Illustration, Photo: screenshot supcg.me
Illustration, Photo: screenshot supcg.me
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The Police Administration Union has supported the government's decision to initiate the hiring process for new police officers. They say this will begin "the true implementation of security sector reform."

They said that the current police force is working in extremely difficult conditions and with reduced capacities, and that it is necessary for the state to "additionally motivate" them by increasing their salaries.

"The current lack of police personnel in Montenegro certainly represents a major challenge for the police service as a whole. The problem is not in the current legal conditions under which police officers enter a well-deserved retirement. Knowing the gravity of the police profession and all the problems that this profession entails, the issue of employment in the Police had to be intensified much earlier and systematically resolved so that we would not now encounter a shortage of personnel. At an electronic session held on January 14, the Government of Montenegro gave its consent to the employment of 815 new police officers, which will begin the true implementation of the reform in the security sector. The admission of young educated personnel will certainly make a full contribution to the rejuvenation of the police personnel, which will certainly provide a special motive for the implementation of the initiated process of reform in the police, which must be a priority in the further work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs," the union announced.

They emphasize that, above all, it is necessary to harmonize with the police standards of the European Union member states, both in terms of training and education, as well as in creating the best possible working conditions and harmonizing salaries for police officers.

"The Police Administration Union supports this decision by the Government because we believe that it is aimed at strengthening the entire police system and the security sector as a whole, which must take care of the safety of all citizens of Montenegro," they added.

They say that the new Law on Internal Affairs regulates issues related to the recruitment and deployment of police officers, the development of a career system, the establishment of a special system for evaluating police officers, as well as other issues of importance to the work of the police community. "This will provide a strong start to the process of reforming the police service, which the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Police Directorate are working intensively on."

The Police Administration Union says they are confident that the Ministry of Interior will make a decision on the selection of future candidates in a transparent and legal manner.

"We hereby invite all young and capable people who are interested in this call to apply for admission to the police service. The Police Administration Union will certainly give special attention to this procedure and be available to all our future colleagues in order to properly assist them in their future work engagement. It is true that the current police force is working in extremely difficult conditions and with reduced capacities, and it is necessary for the state to additionally motivate them by increasing their current salaries, respecting the provisions of Article 15, paragraph 3, of the Collective Agreement for Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs," the statement reads.

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