Prof. Dr. Elvir Zvrko from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Montenegro received an award for his outstanding contribution to scientific research, education and international recognition in the field of medicine. The award was presented to him by the Rector of the University of Montenegro, Prof. Dr. Vladimir Božović, at a ceremonial session of the University Senate at the end of the year.
"Prof. Dr. Zvrko is a prominent expert in the field of otolaryngology and plastic surgery of the head and neck, with extensive academic and professional experience. He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, and then earned the titles of Master and Doctor of Medical Sciences. He completed his specialization and narrow specialization in renowned institutions in Belgrade and Zagreb. He trained in Switzerland, Austria, Brazil, Spain, Serbia, Croatia, the Netherlands, Slovenia... As an associate professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Montenegro, Prof. Zvrko is the head of the specialization program and is dedicated to mentoring young doctors," the statement reads.
They indicate that Zvrko is the author of more than 210 scientific and professional papers, a significant number of which have been published in reputable international journals indexed on the SCI, SCIE, SSCI and A&HCI lists.
"Among his works, articles published in Q1 and Q2 category journals stand out, which deal with improving the diagnostics and therapy of head and neck tumors, testing new biomarkers in oncology, as well as other topics of importance for otolaryngology and public health. In addition to publishing in prestigious journals, Prof. Dr. Zvrko has been actively involved in the editorial board of prestigious scientific publications, as well as in managing international projects. He is currently a member of the steering committees of several COST actions, including projects focused on the history of health care, the development of molecular biomarkers and the prevention of oral cancer. His work in these projects further confirms his contribution to the development of interdisciplinary research," adds UCG.
They point out that Zvrko, as a mentor and teacher, has many years of experience in educating students and residents at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Montenegro.
"He particularly distinguished himself as the head of the specialization program for healthcare workers and as the coordinator of international educational programs, significantly improving the quality of education and training in the field of medicine. As the coordinator for Montenegro of the American-Austrian Foundation's medical program, he participated in the education of over 300 doctors from Montenegro."
They say that Zvrko, in addition to his academic and research achievements, has made a significant contribution to the work of professional bodies and commissions, both at the national and international levels.
"He was the president of the Center for Young Scientists of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts and is now a member of the Medical Committee of the CANU. He was a member of the National Commission for Smoking Control, a member of the Ethics Committee of Montenegro of the Ministry of Education and Vice President of the Council for Scientific Research of the Ministry of Science. His dedication to medical science has also been recognized through membership in renowned associations, including the European Academy of Medical Sleep and the European Rhinological Association. He is the president of the Association of Otorhinolaryngologists of Montenegro and a member of the Executive Board of the Balkan Association of Otorhinolaryngologists," the UCG reminds.
They said that this recognition by the University highlights the importance of scientific research and its role in the development of higher education, as well as the improvement of healthcare.
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