1.731 registered guests in Herceg Novi

Hotels are recording an increase in the number of guests compared to last year. The hotels currently have 239 guests registered, of which 64 are domestic and 175 are foreign, which is 58 more than at the same time last year.

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Herceg Novi (illustration), Photo: Shutterstock
Herceg Novi (illustration), Photo: Shutterstock
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

There are currently 178 fewer guests staying in the Herceg Novi Municipality compared to the same time last year, when there were 1.731 registered guests.

The largest number of guests is accommodated in households, where 1.314 guests are currently staying, of which five are domestic and 1.309 are foreign. This type of accommodation records a decrease of 236 guests compared to the same period in 2024, when 1.550 guests were staying in households, reports the RTHN portal.

Hotels are recording an increase in the number of guests compared to last year. There are currently 239 guests registered in the hotels, of which 64 are domestic and 175 are foreign, which is 58 more than at the same time last year.

There were no registered guests in other types of accommodation, such as hostels and campsites, which is in line with data for last year.

Despite the decrease in the total number of guests, the data shows that hotels continue to record a positive trend, while the lower number of guests in households is the main reason for the overall decline, writes RTHN.

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