The youngest Montenegrin volleyball players in the second phase of the qualifications

Petar Koković's team concluded the qualifying tournament in Sofia with a great performance and a 3:0 victory against Greece.

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Photo: BVA
Photo: BVA
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The Montenegrin women's pioneer volleyball team achieved a convincing victory in the final, 5th round of the 1st round of the zonal qualifications for the European Championship.

With a triumph over the Greek team with a score of 3:0 (25:18, 25:14, 25:21), Petar Koković's team concluded the tournament in Sofia, where they had one of the best performances of any Montenegrin women's team.

Petar Kokovic
photo: BVA

Our youngest volleyball players played another great game and achieved their third victory in the qualifiers.

The first set started with an even game, but the Montenegrins quickly built a significant lead on two occasions, 11:3, and then 18:14. With the score 21:18 in favor of our team, on the serve of Sofija Duletić, Koković's girls tied four points and concluded it with an ace for a 1:0 lead (25:18).

In the second set, the Greeks opened the game better and took the lead 4:1 and 6:2. However, coach Koković called a timeout, which ended the opponents' run. Montenegro quickly turned the score around (8:7), and then gained a five-point advantage (12:7).

Our girls continued in the same rhythm, increasing the difference to 15:8. Klara Đukić and her teammates kept control of the score, leading 20:14, and ended the set with a series of five consecutive points on Đukić's serve and gained a 2:0 advantage in sets.

The most exciting part was in the third set, where the score was tied until the very end (21:21). However, the Montenegrin pioneers did not allow this match to go on, but won four consecutive points for a maximum victory of 3:0 (25:21).

Pioneer women's volleyball team of Montenegro
photo: BVA

Montenegro was once again led by Klara Đukić with 15 points, followed by Sofija Duletić and Elena Jovanović with 11 points each. Sara Striković scored nine points, Jelena Glušac six, and Nađa Peković four.

Our youngest volleyball players achieved three victories at the tournament - in addition to Greece, they also celebrated against the Serbian selection 3:0 and Romania 3:1, while they were defeated by the host Bulgaria in five sets and the selection of the first favorite of the tournament in Sofia, Turkey 3:0. Our pioneers finished the first round of qualifications in 3rd place in the standings.

The fight for a place at the U16 European Championship will continue in the second round of qualifications, which is scheduled from April 24 to 27. 2 national teams will qualify for the final tournament, which will be played from July 13 to 11 in Tirana and Pristina - two first-place teams from each of the five groups and the best third-place team.

GREECE – MONTENEGRO 0:3 (18:25, 14:25, 21:25)

Sofija - “Hristo Botev” Sports Hall.

Greece: Gerotodoru 1, Nikolojani 2, Lekaki 13, Grigoriadi (libero), Spanudaki Maimuka 6, Drempela (libero), Karaguti, Lamprusi 2, Haritu 2, Galu, Meru 1, Konjacioti 3, Kantiani 2, Zudeli 5. Selectors: Hristos Triantaphyllopulos.

Montenegro: Rajović (libero), Moračanin (libero), Jovović, Krasnići, Duletić 11, Mrdak, Ćorović, Đukić 15, Peković 4, Podjanin, Striković 9, Glušac 6, Jovanović 11, Misevic. Coach: Petar Koković.

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