- What did the arrests of agricultural inspectors show and are the inspection services allies in the fight against corruption or are they doing everything to cover it up?
- Whose support do they have for this in the public administration, who are the inspectors and based on what criteria are they employed?
- When will the individuals and institutions formally responsible for the fight against corruption actually deal with it?
In the Reflektor studio will be: Vladimir Joković - Minister of Agriculture, and Zoran Miljanić - former minister without portfolio and deputy president of the National Commission for the Fight against Corruption, and during the show there will be broadcast and recorded conversations with the Director of the Directorate for Inspection Affairs Ana Vujošević and the State Secretary at the Ministry of spatial planning and urban planning by Ljubiša Konatara.
Watch Reflektor on Tuesday at 20 p.m.
Bonus video: