In the sea of different courses and faculties that are offered both in Montenegro and abroad, it will be easiest to choose the right one if students think carefully about whether this is what they like to do and whether that faculty is in line with their skills, she said in "Boja morning" on TV Vijesti Ivana Malović, career consultant for leadership and business development.
"Another important aspect is the labor market, environment, social aspect, emotional intelligence," she said and added that Montenegro is tourism, ecology, energy and agriculture.
Malović points out that you should also think about whether you want to work in a team, whether you want a job that brings a lot of excitement or aspire to a profession through which you would help people.
"There are a lot of indecisive people, our teenagers don't have a clear idea of what a goal is. Money is not the goal. Money is the consequence of an accomplished goal. We need to enjoy the journey to the ultimate goal," she pointed out.
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