The Directorate for Inspection Affairs still does not have official information from the Government of Montenegro as to whether and when it will be decentralized, Ana Vujošević, director of that authority, said in Boja jutra, on TV Vijesti.
She pointed out that the tourist season has begun in earnest, and that the inspection control on the coast has been intensified during the last two months. Vujošević said that they are open to discussions about the announced decentralization, but that the implementation of such a decision in the height of the inspection season could bring numerous difficulties.
"Definitely any reforms are not good in the height of the season, we have pointed that out before, especially since we are in the sixth month, it is the middle of the budget year, where we cannot assume until when all the difficulties may be encountered. It is not about a small change but about the abolition of one body and the potential transfer of competences to ministries. So, a large part of the activities has already been prepared, we have achieved continuity, if it happened in the height of the season, it would be difficult for any ministry to continue, regardless of whether there is a good intention. For that, it was necessary to carry out analyses, create a strategy and act in a planned manner - one is theory, the other is practice, Vujošević pointed out.
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