Since yesterday, thin plastic bags have been banned in Montenegro, and our country is one of the ten countries in the world with the lowest household waste separation rates, along with Albania, Kosovo and seven African countries.
The Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Development of the North, Damjan Ćulafić, was a guest on Boje jutra on Television Vijesti and said that the Law on Waste Management, which brings a number of novelties, has been prepared for a long time and is harmonized with the regulations of the European Union (EU).
"The goal of this norm is not to raise the price of bags, but to suppress their sale, because I deeply believe that the high price will influence citizens to choose alternative ways of using similar equipment. It will be either bags or paper bags, something that is completely environmentally acceptable ", he said.
He said that the law has great potential to "cleanse" the country, but it will depend on its conscientious application.
Given that the thinner bags, up to 15 microns thick, which are used for packing fruit or meat, will continue to be in use, as well as the thickest ones of 50 microns which will be available for purchase at the cash register, the difference, according to Ćulafić, will be in the price .
"The price of bags with a thickness greater than 50 microns will be determined by the seller, but the bottom line is that according to the new regulation that we adopted at the Government, the seller will be obliged to pay three cents per bag sold to the Environmental Protection Fund, i.e. the Eco Fund. That money it will be used for a purpose, to raise awareness of the importance of a healthy environment among citizens, to build infrastructure, to help with the purchase of equipment and the like," said the minister.
The Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Development of the North, in cooperation with the Environmental Protection Agency, the Eco Fund and the daily newspaper Vijesti, is organizing a special action on October 21. All Vijesti readers will receive a free, modern, reusable bag as a gift.
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