Dodik: Željka Cvijanović was offered in the USA to expel me and take over the SNSD, which she refused

"Like Grenell, is he going to do something? He is not in the US administration. He is a guy known from the past, he was in the Trump administration. What were all the lies three months ago in the media about me, so no one mentions it anymore," Dodik said. to journalists

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Dodik, Photo: Betaphoto
Dodik, Photo: Betaphoto
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Serbian member of BiH Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik called the allegations of some media outlets that Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić wants to remove him from the political scene through former American official Richard Grenell as stories for "media entertainment".

"Like Grenell, is he going to do something? He is not in the US administration. He is a guy known from the past, he was in the Trump administration. What were all the lies three months ago in the media about me, so no one mentions it anymore," Dodik said. journalists in East Sarajevo.

He said that the President of Republika Srpska Željka Cvijanović, after her recent visit to the USA, informed him that in certain American political circles she was offered to oust him and take over the leadership of the SNSD.

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"As soon as she arrived, she immediately informed me that some people told her that it would be good to expel Dodik and take over the SNSD. She stood up and said to them 'do you see that I am a serious woman, why are you talking nonsense'. I have no interest in that topic nothing special to say," said Dodik.

Dodik addressed journalists in East Sarajevo after the meeting of members of the Presidency of BiH with the special envoy of the US president for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, and the deputy director of the European External Affairs Service (EEAS), in charge of Western Europe, the Western Balkans, Turkey and Great Britain, Marko Makovec.

He stated that the meeting did not produce any particular result, but that it was an opportunity to clarify some general issues.

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