Von der Leyen refused to meet with Vucevic because the Serbian prime minister met with the Russian minister

In the announcement of the Government of Serbia from the meeting between Vučević and the Russian minister, it is stated that the Prime Minister, talking about the sanctions against Russia, said that Serbia "despite great pressures" leads a free and independent policy and that it has good cooperation both with Russia and with the EU, China and other countries.

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Von der Leyen, Photo: Reuters
Von der Leyen, Photo: Reuters
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The President of the European Commission (EC), Ursula von der Leyen, today refused to meet with the Prime Minister of Serbia, Miloš Vučević, who, shortly before the announced meeting with her, met with the Russian Minister for Economic Development, the European Union (EU) ambassador to Serbia told AFP. Emanuele Joffre.

"We canceled the meeting with the (Serbian) Prime Minister after (his) meeting with the Minister of Economy of the Russian Federation, Zofre added.

He also said that "there was an indication of Serbia's intention to strengthen its economic relations in other areas with the Russian Federation".

The fact that Ursula von der Leyen canceled the meeting with Prime Minister Vučević because of his meeting with the Russian minister was confirmed for Radio Free Europe by the spokesperson of the European Commission, Erik Mamer.

According to the EC spokesperson, the reason for the cancellation of the meeting is today's meeting between the head of the Serbian government and the Minister of Economic Development of Russia Maksim Reshetnikov, RSE reports.

According to a Brussels official, the statement issued after this meeting, which talks about the further strengthening of economic and overall cooperation with Russia, was reason enough for the President of the EC to "immediately decide" to cancel the meeting with the Prime Minister of Serbia.

Vucevic spoke with Rešetnjikov about further strengthening of the economic and overall cooperation between the two countries, according to the announcement of the Government of Serbia.

As RSE adds, Serbia supported the territorial integrity of Ukraine, but even though it is a candidate for EU membership, it refuses to join the sanctions against Russia that the EU introduced due to its invasion of Ukraine.

In the announcement of the Government of Serbia from the meeting between Vucevic and the Russian minister, it is stated that the Prime Minister, talking about the sanctions against Russia, said that Serbia "despite great pressures" leads a free and independent policy and that it has good cooperation with Russia, the EU, China and other countries. .

Ursula von der Leyen was in Belgrade as part of a four-day tour of the Western Balkans, and earlier today she met with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, with whom she discussed Serbia's European path.

Von der Leyen and Vučić
Von der Leyen and Vučićphoto: Reuters

At the joint press conference, Von der Leyen stated that Serbia is one of the most advanced countries in the EU accession process and that it is committed to implementing reforms, especially in the area of ​​the rule of law and democracy.

The head of the EC praised Serbia's reform agenda within the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, saying that it is "great".

"Serbia is one of the most advanced countries in the EU accession process, you have shown that you can meet the necessary criteria. You have committed yourself to implementing reforms, especially in the area of ​​the rule of law and democracy, you have shown that actions follow your words," Von der Leyen said.

She added that "in that spirit" the EU is working on the opening of cluster three in the accession negotiations with Serbia.

When asked when she expects Serbia to join the EU, von der Leyen said that "the beauty of the accession process" is that it is based on merit and added that it is up to the candidate country "to choose the speed and quality of the path" to the EU.

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