Minister of Internal Affairs of Kosovo Dzeljalj Svečlja said at a press conference that after the attack on the Ibar-Lepenac canal, eight people were arrested, who are allegedly connected to criminal and terrorist activities.
He added that a search was carried out at 10 locations in the north of Kosovo and that on that occasion more than 200 military uniforms, six bombs, two Kalashnikovs, weapon parts, explosives, military helmets, camouflage equipment, as well as euros and dinars were found.
"Most of the people who were searched are connected to the organization 'Civil Protection'," Svečlja said.
The highest Kosovo representatives directly accused Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić and Milan Radoičić, of sabotage, which the Serbian president denied and offered help in the investigation and reconstruction.
The news about the sabotage brought Pristina to its feet, including international representatives, and the north of Kosovo, above all Zubin Potok and North Mitrovica, are practically under siege by strong police forces, but also with a significant presence of KFOR members.
"It is important that the facts are established and that those responsible are held accountable and brought to justice," KFOR announced.
Water with explosives from the breached channel entered one of the nearby houses and severely damaged the household of the Lazarevic family.
Kurti said from the scene earlier today that it was more than 15 kilograms of explosives and that the destruction of the critical infrastructure was deliberate, with the emphasis that only Serbia had the resources to carry it out.
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