Vučić claims that support for the protests is falling drastically and that they are being created by the CIA, says that the referendum will be held "one way or another"

Without mentioning the students, he said that "they" are seeking answers from institutions, but they do not want to talk to institutions, and assessed that this is a "CIA tactic" and that they are "trained that way."

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Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said that support for student protests and the opposition is falling drastically and that they are becoming increasingly aggressive and nervous because they do not know how to get out of it all.

He also announced that there would be an advisory referendum on his dismissal "one way or another."

He added that there is an idolatrous attitude towards students in society, but that he finds their plenums ridiculous.

"They care less and less about children learning, than about us learning from children. 'Come on, don't make fools of us! Schools exist so that teachers can teach children, colleges so that professors can teach students, not the other way around. But when we start admiring and idolizing, there's no end to it," Vučić said.

Without mentioning the students, he said that "they" are seeking answers from institutions, but they do not want to talk to institutions, and assessed that this was a "CIA tactic" and that they were "trained that way."

Vučić added that representative education unions have reached an agreement with the Government on a salary increase, that it is the largest increase ever, and that anyone who illegally suspends classes will face legal consequences.

He added that the teachers "seized the moment", that they "somehow blackmailed the government" and received a 32 percent increase in one year.

He repeated the claim that the faculty professors have not earned their salaries, that they are now "spending time skiing" and that "the entire protest is being done to protect Dragan Šolak's capital."

Vučić also announced today that an advisory referendum on his dismissal will be organized.

"There will be one, one way or another," Vučić told B92 television, answering the question of whether the referendum would be organized, since the opposition states that it does not want it and will not sign a request for its launch in the Serbian Parliament.

He said that, if so decided in the advisory referendum, he would resign the day after it.

"If everything Crta says is true, they win and I resign," Vučić said.

He told citizens that if they did not trust him, he would "remove from power immediately."

"That's all I'm asking for, what no one has ever wanted to use, in such a democratic way - an advisory referendum. If you just say in that referendum that you think it would be good for me not to hold that position, I won't give a damn. An hour or two, after that decision, if that's your will, I will no longer be the President of the Republic," Vučić said.

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