Komersant: Nikolić has the support of Russia, Vučić seriously threatens his plans

Komersant states that when Aleksandar Vučić becomes president, he will be able to keep foreign policy under control, avoiding current collisions in the republic's leadership, looking back at the situation when Serbian-Kosovo relations recently deteriorated.
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Tomislav Nikolić, Aleksandar Vučić, Photo: Tanjug
Tomislav Nikolić, Aleksandar Vučić, Photo: Tanjug
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.
Ažurirano: 16.02.2017. 10:50h

The candidacy of Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić for the new president of Serbia should be confirmed tomorrow, which seriously jeopardizes the current Serbian president's plans to run for a second presidential term, after securing the support of Russia, reports Moscow's "Kommersant" today.

The Serbian prime minister's plans to run for president were expected: he is today the most influential and popular politician in Serbia, the newspaper says, adding that Vučić previously stated that his key foreign policy goal is the integration of Serbia into the European Union, while at the same time maintaining good relations with Russia. , TAS S. reported.

Komersant states that when Aleksandar Vučić becomes president, he will be able to keep foreign policy under control, avoiding current collisions in the republic's leadership, referring to the situation when Serbian-Kosovo relations recently deteriorated, which could turn into an armed conflict. when Tomislav Nikolić even threatened to send forces to Kosovo, and only the intervention of the EU and the reserved attitude of Vučić stopped a potential conflict.

Another important question, the paper states, is who will replace Aleksandar Vučić as prime minister.

The paper reports the writing of the Belgrade daily "Blic" that Ivica Dačić, the current Serbian head of diplomacy and SPS leader, is the key candidate. This scenario, according to journalists, will strengthen the unity of the ruling coalition, the paper states.

It is worth noting that Dacic is considered a pro-Russian politician and that if he becomes prime minister, it will be compensation for Moscow due to the departure of the current president of Serbia, "Komersant" stated.

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